View Full Version : pains?

10-11-11, 12:39
Do any of you feel okish and then all of a sudden feel awful, sick, dizzy etc. I felt calmer this morning and then all of a sudden i felt sick, sweating and just feel awful again. Its a vicious circle because i feel ill now i think i have a serious illness. I am aching and paining all over, can all these aches be just anxiety?

10-11-11, 12:41
Sometimes when I have a cold or am getting over one, or if I am dehydrated I have weird spells like that. Sometimes it happens right when I wake up and then I am fine the rest of the day. I'll get really hot and sweat a lot, feel like barfing but don't actually barf, and have to sit down from dizziness and it passes in like a minute. Does that sound similar? It has happened to me once in a while, I never investigated it further.

10-11-11, 13:06
No my body has pains and stiffness in nearly every single part and i dont understand how it can be anxiety and not a life threatening illness.

10-11-11, 13:39
Oh ok. Well I do get a lot of muscle pain all over, and it has been really bad when I am stressed because I tense up. It feels like worse than muscle pain, but that is what it is for me. I get migraines from it in my shoulders and neck, but also get it elsewhere - arms, legs, chest, etc.

10-11-11, 17:16
Do any of you feel okish and then all of a sudden feel awful, sick, dizzy etc. I felt calmer this morning and then all of a sudden i felt sick, sweating and just feel awful again. Its a vicious circle because i feel ill now i think i have a serious illness. I am aching and paining all over, can all these aches be just anxiety?

If you had a serious illness your symptoms wouldn't come and go just when you think of them. I know you think that you are not making them happen but i bet unintentionally you are.
I can feel crap all day, ache all over, feel dizzy, stomach pains and so tired, no energy to do anything but if somebody calls to say they are coming over in the evening with a bottle of wine I'm soon rushing around to tidy my messy house. The aches and pains sort of go........ even more so when the wine flows........until I'm on my own again, with too much time to think.

10-11-11, 18:56
I know what you mean we had a bonfire party on saturday and i had a drink and people round and the next day when i was on my own i was anxious and felt ill. Since then i have been getting worse and i am supposed to be going out this saturday.The way i am feeling now i think there is no way i will be able to. My partner said on monday how can you be this ill and you were fine on saturday night. But the pains and how i feel are real its just crazy.

10-11-11, 19:00
Totally connect with all of this! I got married two weeks ago and was very anxious right up to it: pains in arms, shoulder, couldn't sleep well, worried constantly about my health etc. But, on my wedding day, all my symptoms amazingly disappeared!....and then returned with avengeance the next day. Proof (I hope!) that it's all in my head!?

10-11-11, 19:06
I know its weird isnt it? How can we make ourselves so ill with our minds and create real symptoms.

11-11-11, 04:31
Yes, I get this.... I can be ok for some days then suddenly (very suddenly) I feel awful, pains, numbness, dizziness, nauses and other weird symptoms... it always freaks me out as I think that i'm about to die.... I usually just lay down when it happens and listen to calming music / or go out and do something like go for a walk.. it' eventually goes away.

I've told this to my doctor, he's check for so many things over the past 3 years (since it started) and all blood tests, heart tests, MRI's have come back totally normal. He's concluded that it's mild psychosis and something called 'conversion' whereby your brain 'creates' symptoms... they are very real, but not related to an underlying disease or serious condition. It's our mind playing tricks on our body.