View Full Version : my story! need a hug and a friend :(

10-11-11, 13:07
hello i am simone :D i have been suffering with chronic anxiety aka GAD for about 7 months now ino not long, but i used to be and energetic happy person and it sprung on me from nowhere lol!! i have been put on propranolol 40 mg 2X a day and i feel like a shakey jakey!! along with paroxotine or something its an ssri :( i am only 21 and my life is a mess i want it all to stop i want to drink and socialize with my friends and most of all i want to be happy, i am a mum to a beautiful 4 year old boy and the best christmas present i could give him is his happy mummy back and not this rambling raving mad woman who fones ambulences atleast twice a week! no anxiety attacks this week....should i say thats progress because there is probably creeping up on me now lol well that my shitty story!! would like a friend to talk to who is like minded a support cos not one single p:Derson around me knows what i am going through!!

10-11-11, 13:09
Hi scottishxlass

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-11-11, 13:37
thank you!! i have climbed a mountain i just need someone to catch me when i fall again lol its a slipper slope :D xx

10-11-11, 15:48
Hi Simone,
Welcome to NMP! This is an amazing site with loads of help and support. Don't know where I would be now if I hadn't found NMP!!
You're not a mad woman, you're a normal human being thats struggling with this anxiety hell!! You will get better, it will just take time.
I've been fighting it since March this year after a horrible reaction to a course of steroids which made me have chronic anxiety and panic attacks. I've got 4 kids and work full time and like you I'd love to give my kids the Christmas present of the mother they know and love back, I'm getting there though and determined to beat the anxiety hell that it is. Sometimes it does feel like 2 steps forwards and 4 back though - argh!!!!
There are loads of people here that will help you when you feel like your falling!!
Best of luck and Take care of yourself. Xxxx

11-11-11, 15:42
thank you!! its nice to know that there are people that are going through what i am going through my family are lovely and helpful but they don't have a clue what i am going through and the only person in my family that would have killed herself 2 years ago :( i think that might play apart in the way i am feeling also i had my first panic attack when my baby was due unfortunately i miscarried and that could be it also there is sooo many things my life is just a big mess :( i was alot worse im on the mend but i cannot handle feeling like this anymore its horrible :( xxx