View Full Version : my problem

10-11-11, 13:10
does anyone feel like they are shaking from the core its awful invisible tembling ahhh !! :(

10-11-11, 16:40
Yes I feel like I'm only shaking inside and it's all hidden on the outside, it never stops either it's horrible isn't it? Do you get a break from it?

11-11-11, 15:50
lol i wish, i really wish it would all just f**k off! i am so lost but i will not let this beat me :D the shaking is there most days but if i keep myself focused i can't feel it as much :-/ but when i am out in the cold it feels like i am shaking from the core and when i am sitting down my legs will twitch and my chest feels like its vibrating or my arms!! i sometime tremor profusly! thats horrible!! and i used to get jolted back awake and be to scared to fall back asleep and thats when my legs would start vibrating they were noticable though unlike the invisble ones! i have made myself a promise though i wont fone myself an ambulence unless someone tells me to! lol im waffling :)

11-11-11, 16:42
yes I have had that awful tembling feeling inside. How long have you been on your meds as once they start to take hold you will find that you will calm down and the feeling will stop. I first had this about 10 years ago and I felt as if I was buzzing inside. finally I went an saw the doc, got some meds and it got better. After about 2 or .3 weeks I started calming down

11-11-11, 17:14
i am on propranolol 40mg 2x a day i hope it calms down cos its weird i want it to stop!! i have been on them for about 4 months now :( i want off my meds tho because i am strong enough to do this on my own i know i am lol :D xx

11-11-11, 17:24
Never been on that myself, only ordinary anti d's so dont know much about it. However, if they are not working, perhaps have a chat with your doc to see if the symptoms you are describing are due to the propananol. Perhaps you might benefit from something else instead. You sound like a strong person who wants to beat this so stay positive.

11-11-11, 17:30
there betas!! if i come of them i get heart palps grr u cant win lol