View Full Version : advice please, really need help ladies?

10-11-11, 13:56
After a scary ultrasound last week, it wad cofirmed that the 'mass' the gp could feel in my tummy wad infact a known fibroid which has got bigger since last looked at 3 years ago. I know that fibroids atr described as benign tumours there is sometimes a small chance they become cancerous. After the initial relief of the scan I am now suffering bad anxiety about this. My sleep has been improving and thought I was starting to get ontop of my depression (5 weeks on 20mg fluoexetiine) if not worrying about this I'm worrying about what horrid procedures I will need to treat it. I am 45 with 2 children so maintaining fertility not an issue, anyone any experience of fibroids?

10-11-11, 15:53
I don't have one, but my mom had one for as long as I can remember and she was just fine. She passed away from something totally unrelated (I promise!). Hers formed after she had me and my two sisters, and had at for at least 15+ years. More often than not it is nothing to worry about. They watch it to see if it grows, but if ti grows they just take it out.

10-11-11, 17:47
I have had two small fibroids since I was in my early 20's and they were still there 6 months ago at my last ultrasound. They should shrink once you are post menopausal.

Oestrogen makes fibroids grow and anyone of 45 is nearly always oestrogen dominent as our ovaries stop producing progesterone when the eggs are used up so loads of perimeno women find their fibroids get big enough to need treatment.

There are a few options open for treatment but as you are past childbearing so to speak then hysterectomy is a consideration and it removes any chance that the fibroid coudl become cancerous. A fast growing fibroid will always be treated with a degree of suspicion by any gyny, you may be sent for a mri of it as well as I was for an ovarian cyst as they can be almost 100% certain from this type of scan that the cyst /fibroid is benign.

Have you seen the gyny yet for discussion on treatment?

10-11-11, 17:57
Fibroids are removed by a variety of operations, vaginal hysterectomy, abdominal hysterectomy or myomectomy which is just removal of the fibroid. Your surgeon will discuss the options that will be best for you regarding your medical history and of course if appropiate your personal choice.

10-11-11, 18:24
Thank you for your replies and I know you are being honest and sensible countrygirl but your post has panicked me, even the suggestion. I keep trying to tell myself that anything bad is unlikely but anxiety taking hold. Seeing gp in morning to discuss options, have referall to community gynae but was going to be asked to be referred to a fibroid clinic at royal free.

10-11-11, 21:16
I really would not get stressed about this as fibroids are extremely common. I used to work in an Obstetric Operating Theatre and on seeing loads and loads of Caesarian Sections I can tell you that fibroids are seen in a lot of childbearing woman. Countrygirl gave you the facts and what she said you can read in any text book or woman's magazine but please put those facts into perspective. A smoker knows they run the risk of various cancers eg lung, kidney but a lot of smokers will never get those cancers and so it is with all other illnesses.
Your health anxieties are there because your mind instantly reacts to the negatives so please try the opposite and say to yourself that 99.9% of women with Fibroids have no health concerns long term so that will be the case with you. Do not second guess outcomes as that is the path to anxiety and uncertainty.