View Full Version : Feel on the edge.

10-11-11, 14:50
I have just been crying to my partner about how ill i feel and think i am dying and he said i am not and i said this last time. How come i can sit and rationalise it all but still have a voice in my head saying "no its different this time i have got cancer". I was ok this morning and thought to myself it is anxiety and felt positive but then i felt awful again and now i am a wreck again, foggy head,off balance,tired,fidgeting and a feeling of doom,crying episodes.

10-11-11, 14:59
This health anxiety is so consuming when it takes hold, I wish I had answer but I know How it feels. My husband fed up with me. Are u taking meds? Sometimes we expect too much from meds and deep down we have to deal with negative thoughts. Keep trying the rational Thinking. I know its hard. Best of luck.

10-11-11, 15:06
No not on any meds because i have been fine for over 12months and then this all started when my period was late and i started googling and ovarian cancer jumped out so now i have all the other symptoms thats associated with it. Stomach pains/loose bowels, off balance, feeling of something down by my left ovary,nausea,headaches,pains in my back/side/legs,tired. I wish i could stop these thoughts because i know what its doing to me.
My partners fed up with me too. Nobody understands that the feelings and pains are real, its a vicious circle.

10-11-11, 15:58
I think when you are feeling that bad its time to get some help, the longer typing let it go on the harder it can be to deal with the longer it goes on. If medication helped before Maybe consider it again.

10-11-11, 16:02
I have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor so i will see what she suggests. I just never accept that its anxiety thats causing all these symptoms:weep:

10-11-11, 16:05
I totally understand how crappy this feels. Right now I am convinced I have throat cancer and a tumor on my neck. I tell my boyfriend and he tries to be patient, but I know it drives him crazy. It's good you are going to your doctor, make a list of all of your symptoms before so that they can explain each one.

If it helps at all I know that stress/anxiety can mess with your periods. It happens to mine, and I am even on the pill. The doctor told me that it could really make it irregular. I've also had nauseau and loose stools, leg pain, with anxiety. I hope you feel better soon.

Natalie x
11-11-11, 01:19
Sorry to hear you are not feeling great Zippy. I yoo struggle with the irrational thoughts and feelings which cause me to go into meltdown. My boyfriend is the one who I tell all the time or ask for advice and I know it must drive him up the wall bt he's patient. We try so hard to tell ourselves to thinl rationally - easier said than done - but no matter of we're having a good day, it only takes one little thought to pop into your head to send you into a panic again. Going to the Doctor will I'm sure put your mind at ease. Sometimes when we google and find symptoms of things, we wnd up feeling them as our brain is so focussed on the "what if's" and focussing on the symptoms. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Take care x

11-11-11, 12:39
Its hard to believe that anxiety can cause all these symtoms but it really can. If your doc is not concerned then you have to accept that. I know how you are feeling and have been there myself, convinced there was something wrong and feeling all the things you describe. I stuggled for many years with health anxiety and it does pop its head up every now and again. One minute you are telling yourself that its nothing and the next its doom and gloom. Dont know whether you have been to the docs yet but maybe its time to start on some meds, just to give yourself a break from all this. I have just reluctantly started on them again myself. Good luck and best wishes. Let us know how you get on. x

11-11-11, 12:52
Yes i have been to the doctors this morning and she said my hormone blood test was normal and she gave me an internal and said everything feels fine and normal. She is sending me for a scan and she said not because she thinks there is anything wrong but to ease my mind and at the most to check there isnt a little cyst grownig but she said she wasnt overly concerned. I gave her a list of my symptoms and she said just about every one can be anxiety and the ache in my groin and down by my ovary and loose bowels can be all stomach related. She has prescribed me citalopram for my anxiety. Is it normal to initially feel reassured but already because i can still feel like theres something by my ovary/groin i am still thinking these thoughts that there is something sinister?

11-11-11, 13:03
Is it normal to initially feel reassured but already because i can still feel like theres something by my ovary/groin i am still thinking these thoughts

Yes it is ! :winks: When much younger I had test after test and visit after visit to the GP. Even if I was told time and time again that there was nothing wrong, my brain tricked me into believing that even the professionals were wrong and there WAS definitely something going on that was wrong. That's the trouble with HA, even reassurance from other people often doesn't make you feel better. You need to start giving yourself reassurance. You are coming from a very negative and fearful angle and your head is going round in circles, from the fear, in convincing you that you are really ill.

I have gone too far the other way in the last 20 years, nowadays I should go to the GP for various things and they complain that they never see me !!! I've been to the surgery once in the last 12 months and that was only because they rang twice and asked me to come along. :blush::D

11-11-11, 13:18
I just cant get my head around that there is something that feels uncomfortable down by my ovary. Tha ache/pain is real so i think what is it? I came out of the doctors and went to the supermarket for my tablets and came home and felt a tad better but everytime i feel or think about the uneasy feeling down by my ovary i just feel awful and tearful again. I just feel i will never feel ok again.