View Full Version : fed up

27-05-06, 21:03
has bad day today went to the races with family only made it to the coach then i needed to come home having attacks on and off all day today feel terrible thinking about going to hospital but when a little relief comes feel stupid, been on prozac 20mg since thurs when will this work my mum died of a cyst on her brain 3 years ago she started with funny do,s but was not diagnosed until to late i think this may be causing me anxiety but all this began out of the blue why feel horrible fed up weepy exhausted.

marie ross
28-05-06, 00:16
Hi Julie,

How are you feeling now, any better, no wonder you feel so anxious with what happened to your mum. That's the thing with anxiety it always, always comes out of the blue when your least expecting it. Don't feel stupid, many times i've been out with my family and have suddenly decided i've needed to leave and go home. It's horrible when your out there and you feel so awful, but then when you get home, your realise its just your anxiety and you calm down again. I hope you are feeling better. Take care.

Marie XXX

28-05-06, 04:06
Prozac takes two to three weeks to start working because it takes a while for the drug to produce new neurotransmitters in your brian.

Prozac is a good antidepressant, but i would suggest that if your anxiety symptoms are really bad that you ask yor doctor to start you on a short, low dosage course of Oxazepam to releive the anxiety in the mean time. Oxazepam will work almost instantly and give some relief to your symptoms.

28-05-06, 17:23
thankyou for your advice feeling a little better today so npw my real brain is telling me its anxiety and nothing sinister

30-05-06, 00:49
Hey Honney! Hope your feeling better! I am sorry about your mother. Prozac 20mg a day.. You should talk with your doctor about other drugs just as Zoloft very very good drug 50mg a day seems to be very helpful. Check out www.zoloft.com
Take care and hope your feeling better!