View Full Version : migraine :-( feel so ill

10-11-11, 17:16
Hi well after having a few good days i woke up this morning with an awful migraine (not had 1 for years) i was throwing up and crying with the intense pain, took some co codamol and nurofen but didnt touch it, dragged myself to the doc still crying and being sick and he gaue me imigran, took 1 straight away and went to bed, my anxiety and panic attacks have been awful all day to the point of having my head down the loo being sick whilst having an attack :-( the imigran didnt work even the second 1 i took like doc told me to 2 hours after the first one? Im keeping up with the nurofen and co codamol 2 like he told me 2 but i feel awful still and feel on the verge of a panic attack all the time, id forgot how bd migraines r! Just need a bit of reassurance really x x

12-11-11, 02:10
Hi. The answer to both the migraine and the anxiety is to keep calm.
Take the migraine meds and rest in a dark room. Sleep it off.
When I'm ill, I relax because knowing I actually have a problem helps me know that its not anxiety out of control again. Try to ride with the symptoms of the migraine and reassure yourself that's all they are. :hugs:

12-11-11, 16:08
Same as what chem has said, sleep or rest in bed with the curtains shut. Just focus on something completely different, make sure you keep on drinking water and eat little and often. Its true your more susceptible to anxiety attacks when your not feeling very well so its the same for everyone. Remember the attacks will drain you more and make you feel rougher. So just rest it off and keep relaxed.