View Full Version : im not well/dont know who to turn to/

10-11-11, 18:11
hi im not well, i have been getting progressive symptoms, headaches sickness sore throat no appetite bad tummy aches cant do the toilet and really bad dizziness.. i honesty think i have brain disease or something life threatning/terminalim struggling to cope with the feelings and im really scared, i dont think anyone believes me anymore so i just give up going to the docs they dont even check me :(.

kevin, 17 years old, uk.

10-11-11, 18:15
I know how you feel, I have had a sore throat for weeks now and headaches, just feeling unwell. I keep convincing myself it is a brain tumor or throat cancer even though I know that I am too young, don't smoke, etc. But I feel like each doctor does not check enough. I am going to my doctor again tomorrow because I am finishing up a round of antibiotics and still feel the same.

I hope you feel better soon adn get to the bottom of this, but I know what you mean. I feel like why bother going to doctors when we aren't getting answers?

10-11-11, 18:24
Kevin anxiety affects every body system and can give the symptoms you describe including your negative thinking regarding the medical profession.
You don't have brain disease, what you do have is a sensitised nervous system. This is completely treatable with positivity, but only if you let go of your frustration.
Now it takes on average about three months for the chemicals at the nerve synapses to alter to allow normal sensitisation to occur. So what I would like you to do is to accept that all of your symptoms are due to anxiety, then you must accept and that means allowing your symptoms and sensations to continue and getting on with life in a positive way. You must not get angry, frustrated or depressed as that is not true acceptance. When you get dizzy just think isn't it interesting how my body is reacting and then continue with what you are doing. The same with the nausea etc, this will lower and stop the stress hormones that your body is releasing so keeping your nerves sensitised.

10-11-11, 18:48
I know how you feel, i feel awful infact i felt like going to a&e before. I have every symptom possible at the minute. Nausea,headache,stomach pains,loose bowels,dizziness,sharp random pains and generally just feel crap. I have cried all day and feel i am cracking up. Its so hard to accept that its anxiety.

10-11-11, 20:03
Kev you know what this is.. you are having a very bad time with your anxiety.. which by the sound of it is turning into health anxiety.

If you ever feel alone.. im a message away :hugs: x

10-11-11, 20:11
Hi Kevin, your so not alone in how you feel, ronski thats great advice, need to put that into action myself!! Anxiety is such a pest and makes you fear the worst about everything, if you feel ill you imagine all sorts..so hard to think rationally when anxiety kicks in :mad: stay strong. x