View Full Version : Pregnancy and Medication anyone ?

27-05-06, 21:04

Have just found out that I am pregnant ! Am totally terrified as this is what kicked of my anxiety in the first place when I had my daughter 6 years ago. Am in a total quandry as to what to do - love my husband very much and would love to have his baby but am scared to death of suffering with the anxiety and depression again. Also have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

To top this off am now worried because i take cipralex 10mg every day and wouldn't want to stop them - has anyone else been on meds during pregnancy and if so were there any adverse effects to you or the baby ?


Katie S x

marie ross
27-05-06, 21:10
Hi Katie,

Just wanted to say congratulations!!!!! Sorry i can't be much help but i'm not on any medication so can't help you in that area (sorry) I really hope that everything goes well with you, and you have a wonderful pregnancy (i shall be keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!)

Take care.

Marie XXX

29-05-06, 17:49
Hi Katie,

Congratulations hun. This pregnancy may not be anything like the first one so don't worry they are all different. I would talk to your doctor right away about the medication. I also suffer from cfs and fibro. You are going to need extra rest and tender loving care. Only your doctor will know you and how to treat you during this wonderful time.


29-05-06, 18:23
Thanks Bel xxxxx

29-05-06, 18:42
Hi Katy.

I am not sure about the meds, perhaps you should ask your doctor about it, just to be on the safe side. Also if you look at the leaflet that comes with your tablets it should say on there whether or not it is safe to take whilst being pregnant.

x x