View Full Version : Feel Like I Can't Breath!

10-11-11, 21:45
Hey everyone, for the past couple of days I've been feeling out of breath for no apparent reason. It's kind of scary for me because I feel like I have to force myself to breath. I guess I'm just looking for reassurance. I'm afraid I'm just going to stop breathing and pass out! I'm young and very athletic and I shouldn't be feeling this way.

I just came back from a 2 mile run and I felt fine during the run but I don't know why I've been feeling like this all of a sudden. Anyone ever feel like this? Should I be worried?

P.S. I hate HA!

10-11-11, 21:53
Dont know if its the same but i am having a bad time with my HA at the minute and have a ton of symptoms and one is i feel like i am not getting enough breath. I am not breathless i just feel like i cant get enough air and i notice i sigh alot to try and get air.

10-11-11, 22:06
Breathing issues are common with anxiety. Sometimes it's to do with tension in the chest musculature, it is probably because of that and you are not breathing correctly when resting. Chronic hyperventilating is a strange anxiety symptom as it gives you loads of morbidity such as breathlessness, anxiety, chest pain, shortness of breath etc but with exercise it can vastly improve.
Check you are breathing correctly using your diaphragm, do not breath with your upper chest and ensure you are breathing a correct tidal volume and not breathing in a rapid and shallow way. Slow your breathing to about 10 to 12 breaths a minute when breathing and with all that you should see an improvement in how you are feeling.

10-11-11, 23:47
Thanks for the replies. Yea it feels like I can't get enough air but it comes and goes. I think it's worse when I focus more on it. I just hate the feeling!

11-11-11, 08:15
There is your main issue ( I just hate the feeling ) this is what keeps the nervous sensitivity going through tension and frustration. When it comes again acknowledge it but do not add any emotion to the sensation. Carry on with life with true and pure acceptance and it will work far quicker at extinguishing these unpleasent symtoms and sensations than any other treatment including drugs.

11-11-11, 08:22
I am off to the doctors at 8.50 with this symptom and many more. I know i am causing these to myself but need help to stop them because i feel i am about to crack up.

11-11-11, 13:10
Thanks ronski, I'll try my best not to entertain the thought anymore and hopefully that will help...zippy, let me know how everything goes. I'm sure its gonna be fine. Just good ole HA!