View Full Version : Severe nausea, how do you cope?

11-11-11, 09:20
As part of my panic disorder I have severe nausea most days, i am emetophobic and find this very hard to deal with.

Anti sickness tablets don't touch it, today is really bad and I am not sure how to get through it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

11-11-11, 11:27
Peppermint tea is my saviour x

11-11-11, 12:43
I know it seems basic, but for me sipping tepid water when I get the waves of nausea seem to work. A couple of weeks ago I had a week of constant nausea, from other extreme stresses in my life (by that I mean that it was anxiety caused by external factors rather than my own 'internal' factors). This seems to give my stomach something to keep busy with. Also, don't stop eating, even though you don't feel like touching any food, something bland and dry to nibble on whenever you feel like it does help.

11-11-11, 18:25
I know it seems basic, but for me sipping tepid water when I get the waves of nausea seem to work. A couple of weeks ago I had a week of constant nausea, from other extreme stresses in my life (by that I mean that it was anxiety caused by external factors rather than my own 'internal' factors). This seems to give my stomach something to keep busy with. Also, don't stop eating, even though you don't feel like touching any food, something bland and dry to nibble on whenever you feel like it does help.

I do make sure I eat, even though alot is crap, it's just whatever I can get down. When it's this bad it's hard to believe it's just the anxiety and not some nasty bug. I have a fear of throwing up, but sometimes i wish I could if it would make me feel better.

It's like being permanently pregnant and I hate it, it sets off panic attacks (which I get constantly through the day), my life is a living nightmare at times.

11-11-11, 18:42
a doctor once prescribed me chlorpromazine as its an antipsychotic that works as an anti anxiety medication as well, but its also an anti emetic, that helped me through a rough patch of that, but it depends on the doctor as to wether they will prescribe it.

11-11-11, 18:48
Sipping hot water throughout the day helps me no end if I'm feeling sick. I carry a flask of plain boiled water around with me. Peppermint or ginger tea actually make me feel nauseated, but this one works like a charm for me.