View Full Version : This site has already helped me. A fresh start.

28-05-06, 02:55
Having found this site a few days ago, writing a couple of post and reading lots of other posts, it really became clear to me that I had to take some large steps to knock this health anxiety on the head.

Those of you who have read my previous posts will know that i have suffred from health anxiety for 14 years and although i have become more able to control the anxiety, i am going through a really tough patch at the moment.

Thismorning i woke up feeling really bad. I realised that I needed to get this under control quickly. The funny thing is, i no longer feel like i am Ill, but the years of health anxiety have caused Post traumatic syndrome which is what i suffer today.

Anyway, i was really bad thismorning.. Heart palps, tremours and severe panic. I realised that I needed to do something right now because another day like this would have floored me.

I have rarely taken medication for my anxiety because my fear of doctors is very strong. I decided to make a brave move (well brave for me anyway) and get an emergency appointment at a local doctors surgery. It was saturday so normal doctors were not working.

I felt bad about making an emergency appointment because after all it is a mental Illlness and i felt that the doctor would think i am wasting his time. But I had to do something because with monday being a bank holiday, i just couldnt face another two days like this.

To my surprise they gave me an appointment right away. I decided to be completely straight with the doctor and tell him the whole story, something i feel i have not really managed to do before. I think many people with this condition often feel embarrassed and don't tell their doctor the whole story.

After a long chat, during which the doctor was very understanding of my condition, he prescribed medication for me. He has also promised that he and another doctor will make sure they provide me with all of the support i need to beat this Illness.

I am now taking...

Oxazepam - An anxiety drug similar to diazepam which is a fast acting tranquilizer

Flouxetine - An anti depressant. Apparently this takes about two or three weeks to kick in.

Olanzepine - This one is an Anti phsycotic which works extremely well for Bipolar (which i am not), schizophrenia (which I do not have), But also works as a general mood stabaliser, antidepressant and anxiety drug. It is also very fast acting, it works within 20 - 30 minutes.

Olanzepine is a fairly new drug and seems to be a bit of a break through as far as i am concerned. i have been taking my medication for aboyu 12 hours now and already i am feeling much better. i do put this down to the Olanzepine.

I am also being referred to a phsycho therapist next week.

As you all know, there is no simple cure for health anxiety, but i do want you all to think about doing something if health anxiety is really taking over your life, as it has mine...

People who suffer from health anxiety tend to go to the doctors with physical symptoms. Most often these symptomas are a product of the anxiety. Many of you will know that doctors tend to be very imaptient with people like us because we are always presenting simple symptoms, and often challenging the doctors diagnosis.

Every time you go to the doctors with trivial symptoms you are denying yourself the cure for your real illness. i'll explain what i mean...

If you get a pain in your chest and suffer from health aniety, chances are things like heart attack, heart desease, lung cancer etc will go through your mind. this will cause you to go to the doctors complaining of chest pains and asking for tests that you do not need. The doctor will then examine you, tell you nothing is wrong and send you on your way. You will then contiue to worry and come up with more and more possible causes for your chest pain. The health care provided will not be sufficient because you have not been treated for your real condition.

As a sufferer of health anxiety, it is up to you to realise that the health anxiety is the Illness you need treatment for, nothing el

28-05-06, 08:03
Well done you for taking your first steps to recovery:D Things will just continue to get better
Love Helen

28-05-06, 11:56
Wow.. For the first time in as long as i can remember, my first thoughts when waking up did not cause anxiety. I really feel that my medicacation is working well.

A great relief.

30-05-06, 00:41
*clapping* I must say this was a very well done post. I am very happy you went to your Doctor to seek out treatment from this horriable horriable condition we all call health anxiety. I am glad the medication is now kicking in and doing what it does best. I just started on medication 10 days ago and been with out an attack for the 4th day now had a few flutters today but not as bad as they were for the past two months since I moved away from my home in hawaii after 16 years of living there. I had anxiety when I was about 13 really bad kinda went away for some time after medication and once in awhile I would panic then when I moved...BooooOm Two months every day all day attacks was very bad started on meds and got a good book called "Its not all in your head" and feel great. Good luck and take great care!
