View Full Version : Strange Assessment Outcome?

11-11-11, 11:59
Hi all, I had an assessment on Tuesday with a lady from my local adult mental health hospital. I have had loads before, twice from this same place. Usually I will then go on to receive some sort of therapy from them.
However, she 'phoned me today and the outcome was they are going to leave it a couple of weeks and reassess. :emot-questioned:
She said this was because I had recently started new medicine (3-4 weeks.) and they wanted to see how I was when I settled more on it. I suppose I can see the logic in a way, but surely asking for help, and teaching someone coping skills shouldn't be influenced by this? I'm just so vexed by it.
I was on the same medication previously for 11 years. I suppose, although thankfully better than I was now, last week and especially Sunday I was very distressed to the point of ending it all. Like I said, luckily I am calmer now. I wonder what the logic is in not helping straight away? I suppose I just don't understand it and this has never happened to me before. Has anyone else ever heard of it, or see the logic in it that I can't? I mean, I know it's hard to get the right mental health help anyway, and in some reasonable time frame too. I suppose I just can't believe they would leave someone so vunerable like that. Actually, should I look upon it the other way round (Trying not to dwell on the negative, and 'writting' it can help you to see a different view point.) and think they have confidence that I don't need immediate help, that I can cope, and will get better?

11-11-11, 12:40
I'd definitely see it from the positive side ! When I read the first part of your post I thought 'Well, they think she is rationalising and developing her own coping strategies'. Perhaps they think that once the ' emotional edge' has been taken off your current mood, with the medication you have started again, you might not need anything additional to that as you will recall the therapy from previous visits and apply it ?

11-11-11, 16:50
Thank you for your reply Carys. :hugs:I wish I had your optimisim. :D I've always found it quite hard to get help, or decent help tbh. I am virtually house bound with agoraphobia (14 years now.) and it's always that they want to work on. I can see why, but I also have Panic Disorder and GAD. I've only recently found out what the GAD is, and what it means (Although it was diagnosed in 97/98.) and futher re-enforces my belief that the non agoraphobic panic/anxiety should be delt with first. (I just thought the panic was getting worse, or I was failing to control it, I know now it's most probably GAD symptoms, from what I've read.)) Surely if I can have more helpful coping skills at home I have more means to help me outside? Only once have I had the help for non agoraphobic panics/anxiety and it wasn't too good to be honest. Can't remember much of it anyway as the paroxetine had me so knocked sideways!
Sorry to sound negative, and I hope my post makes some sense as I edited it not to be so negative, if that makes sense?! lol Anyway, spoke to my Dr earlier and he did say it was quite common for them to do that with people on new medication.
Thanks for your reply again, and what a pleasant one it was too, I hope I haven't given too much of a 'downer' answer! :p

11-11-11, 20:01
Yes, I am generally a positive person, always looking for silver linings :D Oh dear, you really have had a terrible time in recent years, it isn't surprising that you are feeling so low. I wish I could wave a magic wand for you and make it all better, and have the pain disappear, but would it help if I told you that I believe the magic wand is in your own hand and not in those of others ? I think that, professional help can make a huge difference and can kick start things for many people, but have you tried doing some of your own self-help reading, or joining a support group (I know you have trouble leaving the house though) or spending a small time each day trying to take a tiny step forwards in some way...then your self-esteem and confidence will gradually build and feed more recovery. Could you get hold of a recommended book on GAD, maybe there is one on the list on this site ? I apologise if this sounds patronising, I'm sure you have probably spent so much time struggling and trying to find answers through different avenues. I am more than happy to 'chat' with you via private messaging if you think it would help to speak with someone else who understands the types of things you are struggling with.


11-11-11, 20:16
The Psychologist at my local mental health centre wouldn't see me until I was stabilised on my new meds. It's her policy. I can see the logic. My Psychiatrist wouldn't know whether the new meds or the psychology was helping (or hindering).

---------- Post added at 20:16 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ----------

P.S. One of the other reasons she gave was that sometimes psychology can be upsetting and make you feel "down", she told me this was normal and not to worry about it.

Take care. x