View Full Version : gagging and retching still a nuisance!

11-11-11, 14:01

havent been on for awhile, thought i may overcome this gagging thing but still no, at times of stress, eating, talking any social or stressful/anxious type of situation, can sometimes be eased with the help of a sweet or something..
anyone any ideas? hypnosis is next on my list but when i can afford it, tried acupuncture, tried breathing techniques etc etc...
cant find anything on it on the internet...
why such a sensitive gag reflex? i get the anxiety thing, but i dont understand the retching thing, its the most embarrasing thing ever,
i'd appreciate any ideas or suggestions for relief! just started magnesium tablets as was suggested...



11-11-11, 14:38
Hi i have the same problem i gag and retch every morning from the min i get up to sometimes up to 2 hours later im still doing it! I suffer anxiety and panic attacks which im in early weeks of meds to help but i can go to bed calm yet still wake the same? Thought id cracked it wed as didnt but nope bk yesterday and today! ggrrr its driving me mad and isnt a good way to start my day anxiety wise! X x

12-11-11, 11:24
hey, its awful isnt it? i dont have it every day, but if i even get the slightest bit stressed my throat tenses up. you have to think about what was different on weds and that you didnt have it...why? were you more relaxed? if i dont think about it...i dont have it! but as soon as i start to stress...boom!

keep in touch, maybe we'l find a cure between us! sometimes humming helps...stroking the roof of the mouth with the tongue....tic tacs or sweets sometimes help...
sarah x

30-12-11, 23:27
As long as we remember it's not dangerous that's the main thing!

I've been getting every now and then of late and yeah it's just because we are so worked up and tense it's how we release etc the tension

31-12-11, 05:42
Hmm I've often been sick in the morning , doc diagnoised me with reflux pretty young .
But I gag too in the morning if I'm also anxious , basically I'm vomiting up air.
My friends n family are used to it but it's usually early morning so it is predictable .
I would give hypnotises ago :) I guess you've tried relaxing , drinking water , chewing gum

08-06-13, 16:24
I have had this retching & gagging condition for 50 years. Growing up was a nightmare with school, vacations, and special events. The worst was eating out and dentist trips. Dating was also a problem. I went to doctors, psychiatrists, biofeedback, and specialists. NOTHING helped. I barely made it through college, but with mediocre grades. I don't know how I've kept a job this long. My parents even forced me to do things that made me miserable. Finally, my spouse and my mom won't force me to do things I cannot do. Since I've reduced my life to things that don't stress me & induce the gagging, I'm so much happier. My newest doctor prescribed a strong antihistamine called cyproheptadine that works wonders. It makes me a little sleepy, but really suppresses the gag reflex so I can go to important things like doctor appointments and events I couldn't go to before. It even improves my mood. I call it my 'happy pill'. I also found a few foods that make it worse, so avoiding those helps a lot. I may not get to do everything I'd like to do, but my life is so much better.