View Full Version : nausea.

11-11-11, 14:40
I am worried about the constant nausea every day. I sometimes wake up and then 5mins later i feel nauseas and it can last all day or i dont feel as nauseas in the morning and by dinner time i feel it again and it lasts all day. Its awful i never feel hungry and my stomach just doesnt feel right, its like i always feel full. Anyone relate to this? And its there even if i dont feel overly anxious.

11-11-11, 15:45
Yes, I felt exactly the same when I had bad anxiety. I love food and eating, and I have never before lost my appetite (even with stomach upsets when I can't eat, I'm usually looking forwards to when I will be able to eat again). I couldn't face eating anything, and really had to force myself.

I can't really give you any advice as to how to overcome it. I would say try to force yourself to have something at normal meal times, and try to make it something nutritious (if small). If you don't eat you will feel worse, and that will add to your anxiety, and you'll end up in a vicious circle.

The other thing to do is take on board all the great advice from people on here about how to manage and tackle your anxiety. With me, the anxiety improved and my nausea and appetite loss went away. Even though you don't feel particularly anxious, I'd be happy to bet it is the anxiety causing it.

11-11-11, 15:57
Thanks for reply. I have been forcing myself to eat and i am like you i usually love my food. I just dont look forward to eating. It is a vicious circle of i feel ill and nauseas so i think i must be sick and really have a terminal illness. So i worry more. I cant get the thoughts out of my head that something sinister is causing the nausea.

11-11-11, 16:21
Yes, I know, it's awful. It's like all the other horrible stuff you get with HA. Everything is telling you that you are ill. You have to somehow find a way to ignore it. Which is easier said than done, because the more you try to ignore it, the more it tries to get your attention. Grrr. You really do just have to find some way to hang in there. Once you are able to ignore it, it will get better, I promise x

11-11-11, 16:42
I know its just hard to accept there is nothing wrong and hard to ignore when you always feel sick and feel something tender down by my left ovary. I try and keep busy but i can always feel something uncomfortable down there and it reminds me and i just fill with dread.