View Full Version : Reaching breaking point pls help??

11-11-11, 19:13
Hi, sorry for the long pst but this is one of the most common topics here, but I've been getting heartburn almost constantly throughout the day daily for last 3 months! and now terrified I'll end up with something terrible (the c word). I don't google anymore but have done in past and it's left me with thoughts of doom and gloom.

Just want to hear experiences and stories of people who experience heartburn and acid symptoms daily and still are ok? As at the minute nothing seems to give me relief, doctor calls me a hypochondriac as all tests are clear! Am on lanzoprozole 30mg and also take ranitidine and gaviscon. Need some reassurance that it's not going to turn into a nasty irreversible illness.

Thanks for reading much appriciated!

11-11-11, 19:34
Hi Raja,

Not sure if you're supposed to take antacids with lanzoprozol (i'm on that as well). I have acid/heartburn/discomfort at the mo... really scary.. but so common I think. The lanzoprozol doesn't seem to work for me either. how long have you felt like this?

jess xxx

11-11-11, 19:45
Hi jess,

Thanks for replying, Well on and off for past 2 Years but recently been constant, how long have u had it? I know it's common but need some relief with it. Do you have it everyday? Doc said it's ok to take antiacid as long it is not within 4 hrs of the ppi. Am just fearing it's will turn for the worst!

Raj :) x

11-11-11, 20:29
I really do sympathise with you. I had this recently for two weeks and I was at my wits end!! I take omeprazole 20mg every day and the doc also gave me Gaviscon Advance (prescription only) and windeze tablets. Thankfully, it seems to have passed and I'm back to just taking my omeprazole. The Gaviscon advance helped a bit. My doc said leaving an hour between the anti-acids and omeprazole was fine. I was starting to worry about something more serious but I had been under a lot of stress just prior to this last bout.

Hope you feel better really soon. x

11-11-11, 20:41
I have been on omerazopole for 18 months and i am currently having a bad episode of HA. My stomach is awful full of pains,awful wind pains and feels full and nausea. Does this mean the tablets arent working or is wind pains something different?

11-11-11, 20:43
hey Raja, Yes I have it every day at the mo.. but have had it on and off since 2007!! it def gets worse with anxiety.. especially the reflux. it's horrible and makes you feel miserable.. especially the gnawing hunger pangs.


11-11-11, 20:54
Hi, my OH didnt have a day go by that he didnt get heartburn, untill 2 weeks ago when he started on a daily dose of omeprazole since then he had the odd bit but well chuffed that he is getting better, he used to get it that bad that he used to clutch his chest like he was having a heart attack LOL.
Dont take gaviston it makes it worse, I very rarely get heartburn but a while ago I had a bad bout of heartburn after a curry, so I got some gaviston which the chemist told me to take, it went of for about 4 hours and then came back and then I took some more and this went on for about 4 days and I realised that the gaviston was only covering the acid and then coming back, I ditched it drank loads of water and after about another day it went and hasnt come back, stress makes it much worse so dont worry I am sure its nothing and as my OH has had it for 20+ years he hasnt got anything bad.
Like I said stress makes me it even worse and diet, try eating bland for a few days and natural yogurt as well.

11-11-11, 21:16
Hi all,

That's reassuring did ur OH have it everyday for 20 yrs? Am on lanporozole i thought it's the same thing? Ppi right? This anxiety does make it worse but u guys have def reassured me!

11-11-11, 23:45
Raja I had it about 7 years ago OMG it was awful I felt like I was swallowing broken glass and the pain in my chest I took myself off to AE a few times I got mine after a stressfull job I had. Which I left. I kept focusing on my chest and sumtimes my gullet would beat I felt i was in a mess and thought it was somthing bad. But one of my visits to AE I had a fab doctor who proscribed me with lansoprazole. That did it for me. I also had tests which came back normal. All I can say is try and take your mind off it go about your day and believe what the doctors have told you Keep focusing on what the doctors have said. and don't lose that focus. I was like you I kept thinking I was damaging my gullet. and I think the more you dwell the more acid you make. Just take your tablets and keep happy and busy. good luck

Cathy xx

12-11-11, 01:30
Hi Cathy,

Thanks for the reassurance how you feeling now? How long did this lanporozole take to work on you? I been on it 4 months. But daily heartburn for last 2 months! Yes you may have a point I do have a stressful job too need to calm down. I do and will try to keep my mind off it but its difficult sometimes especially if you are always anxious lol.
