View Full Version : Ovarian issues at 20?

11-11-11, 19:35
I am putting weight on very fast - to the tune of having gone from a size 16 on top and 16 on bottom to a 20 on top and 26/28 on bottom within a few months. Started after I began anti depressants. GP isn't sure if they can cause it.

My boobs, tummy, bum and face are a lot rounder.

I eat fairly healthy, I only have pudding once a week and avoid crisps etc if it's not the weekend. I try to exercise when I can. I eat fatty things once a fortnight or so at present. Yesterday I ate a baked potato with chicken mayo and salad, stir fried veg and a roll with ham and cheese. Don't drink fizzy stuff, unless it's diet - I mainly drink smoothies and diluting juice. This morning I've woken up bloated as if I'd been eating all day long.

I walk up to a mile a day when at home, do an exercise dvd when I remember etc. Is it really lack of exercise that can be causing all this though?

I've got adult acne, weird periods that only last two or three days, a constant discharge, hair under my chin and around my face (like pubic hair although not the same quantity), I've got achy boobs, constant period pain, constipation or running to the loo, I vomit a lot and I've got bad acid reflux. I'm at the end of my tether and am struggling to go out incase people look at me and assume me to be lazy and greedy, when in fact I'm trying very hard not to be! I'm constantly shattered, I sleep for up to 12 hours, I get palpitations, greasy hair, adult acne, oily skin, cysts, skin tags, you name it I seem to have it. I've been told I look like I am ill, I have been told I can't have any hormone related medicines as they react funny etc.

The pelvic pain has been really quite irritating this week, it's just like a constant niggling below my belly button - like between that and my bikini line.

Mentioned all this to my GP today, who lay me flat and pressed my tummy a bit. It was sore all over and kept spasming when she touched it - so she suggested I maybe had gallstones :wacko: and then told me to go a very low fat diet. She's doing liver function tests in 4 weeks.

She gave me ranitidine, and fybogel and told me to come back in 4 weeks for a review.

I'm thinking of phoning her back though - as my symptoms do not fit with what I can find related to gallbladders online. I think that it's a hormone issue - part me of keeps thinking PCOS, but there's a 10% of me that is panicing I've got ovarian cancer. I seem to fit the symptoms, I think.

I'm totally lost as to what to do next. Any advice, experiences, reassurance? I am only twenty - I turned twenty in July - and I feel stupid for getting so worried but...!

Should add, I have been tested for PCOS a year ago, thyroid problems a year ago and diabetes a year ago. Also had a cystoscopy three weeks ago.

11-11-11, 20:08
OMG daisycake that sounds like PCOS to a T! did you mention it or your dr? has you had hormone tests? I don't have it but I have a friend who does and I was talking to my mother (whose a dr about it).. the weight gain, hair, acne, achy boobs...

jess xxx

11-11-11, 20:42
Hey there,

It defo sounds like PCOS to me. I think it's quite easy for your GP to test for.
I worry all the time about ovarian cancer, it doesn't sound like that at all and believe me I know all the symptoms :blush:!!!!

K xx

macc noodle
11-11-11, 22:22
Definitely sounds hormonal and would guess at PCOS to be honest - the symptoms sound as if it is that.

It won't be ovarian cancer.

Macc Noodle.


12-11-11, 19:33
A simple ultrasound will diagnose PCOS as the multiple cysts show up on the scan.

13-11-11, 13:03
:) Glad you all seem to agree that it's more likely hormones - I've had a PCOS test before though, an abdominal ultrasound (surgery said the internal one is more accurate but they said I couldn't have that due to age) and a blood test - and it was entirely normal. Was midway through my cycle though, can that affect it? Was also only a week off taking the pill at the time. Might mention it again but I don't think my GP will be very happy with me.

Just really struggling with everything at the moment, I am not sleeping properly or eating right. I'm spotting from down below as well but I don't know where from - whether it's post op bleeding, or coming from the inside.