View Full Version : Still waiting for my appointment to come through :(!

11-11-11, 20:02
About 5 weeks ago or so i had a CT Scan on the 3rd October for my kidneys/bladder everything was fine there but he want's me to have a cystoscopy done to make sure everything is fine inside my bladder than he can put a line under the blood in the urine.

What's worrying me is that they said they found a 15mm leison on my liver and i had a ultrasound scan and they couldn't find anything there (maybe's it had gone/maybe's they couldn't get to the specific location where it was, dunno :S)....

Anyhow i seen the urologist with a follow up appointment on the 28th October and he explained that i would need another CT Scan.

That was just over 2 week's ago and i am still yet to receive my letter for it, does that mean that he doesn't think its that urgent? And would they have sort of been able to understand what it was from the orginal scan?

He did explain that it could be a hemangioma the word that worrys me is could.

Just worried that it's been left for quite a period of time since it was found (5 week's)...

11-11-11, 20:12

Hope you get to the bottom of your problems soon. I had a hemangioma (found during a laproscopy).. the size of a golf ball. They diagnosed it with a CT scan.. fairly common I think. I don't think a ultrasound is sensitive enough to pick up a hemagioma... especially if its small..


11-11-11, 23:35
Hiya thank's for the reply yeah i guess thats a good thing that nothing was found on the ultrasound, just i am worried that they have left it for so long incase its something they should have solved quicker.

I guess its how we all think that is on these boards :(

12-11-11, 06:49
Iwould say the reason why you havent got your appt quickly is because they wouldve viewed it as not that urgent, if you are worried about it I would give them a ring saying that your symptoms are bothering you terribly then they can possibly grad it more urgent.

What happens in NZ is if you see a gp for a referral the gp will grade it whether its non urgent, semi urgent or urgent and if they grade it non urgent then you can get an upgrade if you go back to the gp complaining about your symptoms.

If that makes sense anyway, my appt for a gynocologist is graded semi urgent which will take upto 6 months but because I am suffering period pain on a daily basis eve without my period I am thinking of going back to my gp and she will probably grade it urgent.

12-11-11, 16:21
Well my letter finally came for my CT Abdominal Scan (still waiting on the other) but i have to wait till the 2nd of December :/ just something else to worry about.

I guess they don't think it's an urgent thing and it will have been 8 week's since they found the thing on my liver, but thats the logical side talking to me.

Either way i have 3 weeks more to wait plus however long it takes to get the results :(.