View Full Version : Sitting at front door in cold feel so panicky :(

11-11-11, 21:58
Someone plese help me, I feel so panicky but don't feel like a panic attack is coming on, can someone help me to calm down, what can I do to cope please?? xxx

11-11-11, 22:06
Why are you sat at the front door, I presume with the door open ?

Your adrenaline level is probably very high right now, you need to do something physical that will use up some adrenaline and focus your mind on something different to the panic. I don't know if you are physically fit....but can you go up and down the stairs slowly, counting each step ?

11-11-11, 22:09
Yeah, have the door open hun, I've been going the gym to try and help me and i feel great when am there. I will try do as you say xx

11-11-11, 22:20
I have replied in more detail on your other thread Pauline. Close the door and keep the warmth in :)

24-11-11, 19:01
That happens me a few days ago and I felt awfully panicky , felt really hot and was sweating like crazy so I went to the back door and sat on the step , it was cold outside and windy and helped me cool down and the fresh air helped me breathe better , so now when I feel overly anxious , I go for a walk outside even just around the house a few times and it uses up some andrealine and settles me back down a bit , and I think the fresh air helps