View Full Version : Please vote on this poll

12-11-11, 00:56
Hi I'd really appreciate if you could take the poll above!

12-11-11, 01:52

I voted 'other' as my panic attacks are not as regular as the other options given. (Thanks be to God!)

I do still have them, but it will be like 'mini' panics or the start of a panic attack, but I calm myself down. They usually happen out in public now, usually when I am queueing in a shop or feeling stressed in a busy store/shopping area.

I also have them when I am personally feeling stressed with usual life stuff or if I'm overtired.

I feel for anyone who is having panic attacks as regularly as the other options on the poll.


12-11-11, 02:43
Hi thanks for voting, I have them everyday most of the day :( for the last two weeks this has been happening and im not stressed xx

12-11-11, 02:54
I tend to get constant anxiety,I get a few smaller panic attacks too though, but it's rare i get the full blown hyperventilation, almost fainting etc.. type ones.

paula lynne
12-11-11, 09:04
I voted "other" as my panic attacks usually happen in the 2 week window from ovulation to menstruation.

12-11-11, 09:57
I have not had a major panic attack for about 2 years, I panic now ,but do not have a panic atack if that makes sense.
sometimes I panic in super markets or shopping in certains shops, but try to avoid them (except it is almost impossible to avoid).

12-11-11, 14:27
I get panic attacks mostly just when I go to the doctors now or in anticipation of going to the doctor. Occasionally I will get one when worrying about some health anxiety (such as my blood pressure or heart palpitations). They happen about 6 times a month.

12-11-11, 15:11
I have also voted other as I have good and bad days. Some days I can get away with 1 or 2, others, like today, it is just one constant panic, I can feel a constant rush of adrenalin, it is so awful, if only I had some valium!

17-11-11, 23:07
I voted other as mine are totally random, I can go months without having them then I could have them every day ! They are worse when am going through a stressful time or am worried about my health xxx

18-11-11, 17:06
i voted other as well because mine come whenever i am stressed out x it varies A LOT per person but the severity is similar x

20-11-11, 00:12
I voted "other" because I've had days with several panic attacks and a couple of days of constant panic, but I've also gone a couple weeks without.

20-11-11, 00:56
not much at all thank god
god bless

22-11-11, 12:56
i dont have 'full blown panic attacks' that often,thank the lord!! i have what i call mini ones,where i can feel one building,i tell myself to breath deeply and it will all be over soon....but the odd time, i go past the point of no return and the urge to 'escape' makes my heart pound,my mouth dry,my head swim to the point where i feel any minute now,i will just drop to the floor.The big attacks make me feel nauseous for days ,hard to swallow,feel like im choking,and cannot concentrate on anything.....and i keep anilising it,wondering if people could 'tell' i was acting strangely.......but then starts the cycle of...'when will the next one occur,maybe if i avoided that place/person again,it wont happen,but panic attacks are rarely predictable...in my opinion.Does anyone have awful dreams when theyve had an attack? I had a big panic attack last week,then I had a nightmare last night...a man was banging on my door saying we owed £20 (we have no debt whatsoever,so it doesnt make sense) but i remember thinking it was a ploy to get in our house and 'get us' ,I said through the window,"i will speak to my husband,come back tomorrow".
although i,d 'dealt' with it in my dream...i awoke with a start,absolutely wet through and could not get back to sleep....even had a little cry this morning.

22-11-11, 18:37
Very rarely have panic attacks-just frequent anxiety !!!

21-12-11, 01:12
I voted other!!!

It depends on what situation i am in as to when i have them!!!


21-12-11, 01:23

I haven't had one for months now, just anxiety

william wallace
22-12-11, 17:41
My last one was at the Dolly Parton concert at the O2 Arena in early September. We were waiting for the show to start, and thousands of people were coming in. I had a head rush and felt like I do when taking off in a plane. I took a grip of the armrests, just like I do for air travel, shut my eyes and waited for it to subside. Mrs Wallace noticed and said, "just you dare". Now Mrs Wallace when she gets pissed off is far far scarier than any crowd so I just shut the hell up and got my shit together. Next thing the lovely Dolly was on stage doing her thing and even though I'm not a Dolly fan, ( the wife is) fair enjoyed the show. Never had a panic since. Happy to report that I have a huge beech coffee table in front of me so not only touching it, I'm kissing it and whispering sweet nothings into it's ears, wherever they are. :)

22-12-11, 18:52
I put two to six a day this is normal for me but on a bad day it's many more
Take care people