View Full Version : Oils- do they work for you?

12-11-11, 01:14
I am thinking of purchasing an
Aromatherapy Essential Oil

Because I can never seem to calm down.
Now my Question is which is the best? There very expensive.
The ones I have come across are, Lavender, Jasmine and frankincense.
Have you used any that help you? If so how do you use them? drops on your pillow tissue?

Thanks x

eight days a week
12-11-11, 01:30
They've helped relax me in the past, and they are always lovely support, rather than the (always elsuive!) 'fix' I'd say :)

I'd also say experiment with the cheaper ones first (lavender and others) and see if they help, then work up from there if they do. If you can fine a good local independent shop they'll be able to advise you probably and let you open and smell samples, you don't get that in the likes of Holland and Barrett (good as they are for deals on stuff you already know you want)!!

You'll know once you've smelled something if it's good for you.

Drops on the pillow can work. I prefer to put drops on a tissue that I put near my head, or between pillows, so the oils don't get into the pillow or bed linen too much. Mix 10mls of carrier oil (like almond) with less than ten drops total of various oils and try them in a bath - lovely!!

I could go on and on here as it's a bit of a passion, but just try one or two oils (with a carrier and mixing bottle) and see what takes your fancy :)

paula lynne
12-11-11, 09:11
Great previous post. I also use olis, lavender has been my life saver really. I began to experiment with lavender a few years back, to trick my brain into calming down.
, and it works.
When you are calm and relaxed, lie in bed/sofa and close your eyes. Inhale lavender (I do it from the bottle), all the while thinking calm thoughts, or repeating positive affermations to yourself, I use "I am loved, I am safe"......I do this for at least 5-10 mins. Do this as often as you can. The next time you feel panic and anxiety rising, repeat the process. Your brain will have associated the smell with calming, relaxing feelings. Ive stopped many panic attacks in this way. I use neroli too, but it can be a bit sickly for some people. I love oils and have used them in my soaps, as a massage mix and in the bath. I really think they are underestimated when comes to anxiety.
Paula x:)