View Full Version : Does anyone else get this?

28-05-06, 13:25
When I used to go to college or work I had to be on a computer for most of the day and I used to be fine with it. But since my anxiety and tension came back I've noticed that if I'm on my computer a while, probably an hour or two, that I start feeling edgy and weaker and when i turn it off and come away from it I still feel edgy and weak for a bit.

And sometimes, like yesterday I came off the computer and nearly had a panic attack, my head was feeling heavy and light headed.

I just wondered if anyone else has this when they use a computer?


28-05-06, 19:16
Not as such but I have found it causes vertigo type symptoms and I have to look away until they have subsided.

28-05-06, 19:17
Hi Heather - I feel like you sometimes. Its usually when I'm very tired and tense - for some reason I seem to tense up when I use the computer. It eases if I get up and walk around for a bit. Maybe you need to take regular breaks when you use the computer?
Love Helen

29-05-06, 11:21
Thank you devon guy and Helen.

I do have breaks sometimes but I'll try have them more often.

Thank you,


29-05-06, 15:21
hi there yeah i too feel funny at times when using the computer...but only since ive suffered with anxiety....i often feel weak,agitated and light headed...biut i dont know if its my own way of thinking(if im googling i can feel panicky and sometimes have to turn it off)...just try to have breaks and dont start thinking every time you go on the computer...oh i wonder if im gonna feel weak, edgy for example....otherwise you will!!!
you know how anxiety works......