View Full Version : another kind of panic??

12-11-11, 12:19
well last night i had a few drinks with my partner, and this morning i woke up, felt like someone had hold of me really tight, i couldnt breathe went dizzy and had all like pins and needle feeling in my mouth and down legs etc. I did manage to calm myself eventually by drinking loads of water!! and breathing!! but im left with what feels like a elephant on my chest, i can breathe but i feel like its gonna run out, my lungs are gonna callopse or something!! please any reasurence will do xxxx

12-11-11, 12:28
Hangovers can make panic attacks worse. The pins and needles and chest tightness, that's panic. Breathe in for 7, out for 11 through pursed lips, counting the 7/11. Do this for three minutes. You will feel normal again. If you don't it's because you've sneaked in extra quick breaths....

This works for me but is easier when not actually panicking. I don't panic any more btw. CBT cured me.