View Full Version : just out of hospital, advice needed.

12-11-11, 12:41
Hey guys ive been having alot of problems regarding dizziness and balance recently but the past 5 days i have been having excruciating abdominal pain so they admitted me into hospital and gave me an ultrasound (all clear) so im out of hospital now but im really dizzy more than ever and i feel still sicky and slurry is this a viral thing or a brain disorder (which im worried about) im just so confused they said my bloods and temp was fine now my temp is sky high and im feeling bad again, i had alot of bloods and stuff took out and took alot of new pain killers daily for my constipation could this be related to the slurryness and feeling generally unwell? :unsure: i dunno guys i just dont feel right also i had to fast for a day to get my ultrasound.

just a lil worried i maybe got infected in hospital or something but something deifinetly isnt right with my body right now hopefully its temparory.

thanks for ur time:blush:


12-11-11, 12:52
I'd call NHS direct and tell them why you were in hospital and that you were discharged but are now feeling unwell etc. See what their advise is...0845 4647
Hope you feel better soon :)

12-11-11, 14:22
I used to get dizzy and feel off balance all the time! I think it was related to my sinuses though and improper breathing....it eventually went away. I know the feeling though, it feels like your just going to pass out. Just try to drink plenty of water and not focus too much on it, I'm sure your just fine.

12-11-11, 23:14
Hi ya if you are suffering from constipation then painkillers are the wrong thing to be taking because they cause it. I found fybogel mebeverine really helped for pain and bowel trouble. And for the dizziness start practicing diaphragmatic breathing. When you are anxious or stressed your breathing quickens and becomes shallow and causes a load of different symptoms. Hope things improve for you