View Full Version : New Here and needing some words of wisdom

12-11-11, 13:35
Hello all,

I have had panic for as long as I can remember (my parents say it started when I was a toddler). It cycles and I had been on an "off" cycle since I was about 22. I just turned 28 and just moved across the country and now it's kicking up again. I don't have panic attacks while just doing my normal day to day tasks, but going to the doctor or heading out of town (where I am comfortable) to a town 30 miles away or so makes me feel a bit anxious. Going to the doctor brings on a full blown panic attack (a REALLY bad one).

I went and saw a psychiatrist yesterday who prescribed me Prozac and Klonopin and to go back in 2 weeks. I am also med-phobic and starting a new medication terrifies me. So now I am thinking because I don't have panic attacks that often, should I even take the Prozac? Is it a bit much for just the worried thoughts I have during the day and the occasional panic attack? I'd just really like to hear what others out there were going through and their panic levels when they started Prozac. It seems like it can make you feel worse at first so I am really afraid to start it and want to make sure it will be worth it for me.


13-11-11, 07:02
Well, sorry your feeling bad. I know the feeling with the Doctors, I hate anything medical. I have the same as you a aversion to medicine. It does seem to be that doctors and medical professionals seem to fob us off with chemical cocktails, Time is money and rather than do a full medical the give us uppers yo keep us quiet.

I know this sound controversial but I asked my CBT therapist about taking prozac ect and he said that any of these drugs are psychologically addictive which means you feel like you need to take them to keep well. When you do feel well you start thinking it is because of the drugs bot your hard work. Now if you started feeling well without been on drugs then you would pat yourself on the back. This has a more profound long lasting effect of teaching you what to do to help yourself.

Don't take me the wrong way drugs, short term could have there uses but you say you have Panics when in the doctors. yes? If so the doctor has seen you at your worse and it is due to your visit to him/her.

I took my prozac back to the chemist and gave them it back and got a refund. I feel better when I conquer my own hurdles and I know I have had no chemical help.

Hope that makes sense.
