View Full Version : alcohol??

12-11-11, 14:32
If i was dying like i think i am would i be able to get ready and go out to a party? I cant get out of my head i have cancer because of a full and bloated stomach/wind/nausea and feeling something uncomfortable by my ovary. I keep thinking if i was so ill and on my last legs i wouldnt be able to get ready and go out, would i???? The thoughts i am dying are in my head 24/7, i even dreamt last night i was in hospital. The thoughts are wearing me out and i am crying all the time.

12-11-11, 15:30
You are more than likely just suffering from anxiety. Did you say you are going for a scan? That will settle your mind when you get the results. Its proably a good thing to go out and try and take your mind off things if you can but keep off the alcohol as although it may relax you at the time, it makes things worse the next day. What does your doc say about all this? Are you on any meds?

12-11-11, 15:56
She has took my bloods for hormones and all ok and has given me an internal and all felt ok. I am going for a scan of my ovaries but she doesnt think there is anything just more for reassurance. She gave me citalrapom but i am starting them until tomorrow. I feel sick all the time and a full,painy, uneasy,windy stomach. Ha dont think painy is a word but you know what i mean .

12-11-11, 17:34

It's very common to have IBS pain in the ovary area. All your other symptoms sound like IBS too, if your scan is clear (which I'm certain it will be :)) I would guess that's what it is. I'm suprised your GP hasn't suggested trying IBS medication, when mine flares up I take Mebeverine which really help :).

K xxx

12-11-11, 17:45
Mebeverine + Colpermin peppermint capsules combined work for me.when needed.

13-11-11, 11:40
Well i went out and had a drink last night and at first i was still ill and i noticed i was fidgeting and anxious. But i ended up having a great night and i didnt think about it, i ate a pizza(having no appetite). Now i have woke up this morning and i am back to being anxious and think i am seriously ill again. I can remember thinking last night before i went to bed, i hope i feel this calm tomorrow.

13-11-11, 12:01
Thats the beauty and the beast of alcohol. I am just the same, I drank on Friday night and for a few hours felt on top of the world, but it came at a price and was why I was in such a bad state yesterday. The thing is, I know my anx will be sky high the next day, but I have it anyway just to have a reprieve from my worries and fears for a few hours...... It does get better throughout the day, I had perked up a little by last night, I hope you feel better later.