View Full Version : looking for help

12-11-11, 14:56
Hi My name is Phil and for the last 8 months I have been suffering with bad panic attacks . It started in april when whilst in work I had a random attack out of the blue all day suffering a sore shoulder I had conviced myself it was a blood clot and that I was going to die then later in the afternoon I started to hyperventiate and could not catch my breath I then got my work collegue to phone for an ambulance as my whole body was shaking and I could not catch my breath.
A short while later the ambulance turned up and after sitting inside it for 5 minutes he told me I was having a painc attack and to calm down. I left the ambulance in the carpark of work and returned saying I had to leave now as Im going for tests at the hospital then returned to work the following day making up an excuse that it was asthma attack so ot to lose face.

Well this has started up a whole new beast now and nearly everyday I am thinking that something is wrong with me which leads on to panic attacks if I have a pain in my arm leg stomach head etc I am fighting my own mind
all the time telling myself nothing is wrong. but always losing and having an attack. I have seen two doctors the first who descriped some tablets called citalopram and 10 tblets of diazepam to take the edge of then when I returned to get a reapeat perscription I saw another doctor who did not want me to take the tablet route and has put me onto C.B.T course which starts on the 18th of this month. Excuse the speeling mistakes etc as my hands can not keep up with my typing as this is the first time outside of my family I have told anyone and no one understands me and thinks I just need to stop etc and crack on.

So to explain then I am 28 years old young should be healthy etc and this has come on and compltley ruined my life at the moment I wake up each day wondering if i am going to have a good day or a bad day any quite time I have is fighting my brain from wondering off to thinking something is wrong.

So basically nothing has worked as of yet And I am not usually one to seek help I havent had a sick day in over two years etc.. but I feel like im losing control now and just want my life back .

thanks for reading sorry it is a bit long but it,s nice to get it of my chest


12-11-11, 14:57
Hi phillip

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-11-11, 15:50
Welcome Phillip
Sorry to hear about your experiences with anxiety. You will find many people here fighting the same battles as you, they are always ready to give advice and support. I find it great just to know that I'm not alone in this.

12-11-11, 16:52
Hi and welcome. I had to make up an excuse about having a stomach bug when I took some time off work as i was embarassed about being so anxious and couldnt admit what it was. Its a terrible thing and we all on here have suffered from this and many are still going through it in one form or another. You are not alone and will get loads of support here. good luck in your recovery.

13-11-11, 17:37
poor you i have had them in the past but only short term.This past week has been hell i've had one after the other and am so depressed.I have started fluoxinetine and hope they work quick.i know its not for me to say but i do think tablets are a better way,it gives you the hope whilst they kick in,and they do work.I have got my self in to a state about going to work and feeling trapped,and i really don't want to go anymore,but unless i win the lottery(which will never happen) i have no choice,like most people.Hope you are ok,Kind Regards.Tamlara.

Fly away Katie
13-11-11, 17:57
Hello and welcome to NMP, hope you find comfort and reassurance here x

17-11-11, 13:40
thanks for the replies people anyone who is going through the same as me and ants to chat plse do a problem shared and all that . Im sure one day I will look back and laugh about this gottta stay postive (would help if I could spell first lol)