View Full Version : feeling sick during night

12-11-11, 16:42
This has happen three time over past couple of weeks,,,, i wake up alot at night have done for along time,,, when i do i mite get a drink have a fag or summit,,, but last night woke up went to make a drink,, went down stairs i was fine then all of sudden i start feeling reallt sick and hot,, sweating,, i crawled back up the stairs and layed on bathroom floor,, the sweat deipping off me,, and feeling im going be really sick or other,!!, then it passed and i was fine,, but this has happen 3 times now,, im 32,,, deffo not pregnate,,, never had this befor,, told mum and she said my sis has had them,, wot can it be,,,,, now um worring,, and allsorts going throuh my mind

12-11-11, 17:29
I have had this happen to me earlier this year, just woke up one night, went to the bathroom, felt ok, then all of a sudden this overwhelming feeling that I was going to be sick came over me, I went really hot and the sweat was physically dripping off me, I felt so so ill, I managed to drag myself back into bed, but had absolutely no energy, strangely I wasnt actually sick. It did pass off a bit and I fell back to sleep, then seemed to be fine in the morning, just left feeling a bit drained and tired. I have no idea what it was, I cant remember feeling stressed at the time so dont think it was stress related, just put it down to some mystery bug. Only had it the once, but I thought Id share with you.
Always xx.

12-11-11, 17:46
i think there's a norovirus going around at the moment... quite a few people I know have been sick and the other. I always sweat when I have a dodgy stomach.

Jess xxx

12-11-11, 19:06
Thanks,,, i dont feel ill otherwise,, and been fine during day,,, my diet hasnt been great,,, lot of junk foodin evenings,, so i stop that,,, im just scared it mite happen a few more times then i wil be scared to go to sleep at nite,, but i will keep a record of things during day to see if there any pattern,,, x