View Full Version : Pretty bad and depressed

28-05-06, 17:44
I had been finding it hard to be on a regular routine and felt I should stop my regular coping up routine for sometime, because i was feeling that the regular routine, itsolelf was being stressful. But however it was keeping me in good mental and physical shape. After having stoped it for around a month and a half now, i just restarted it this morning. But had just a single mug of beer in the evening. This seems to have done a lot of damage. I was very depressed, and sort of i think i might still be a bit. Thoughts have been suicidal, for the first time in my life. But now I have made a determination that I will some how ensure that I dont get such thoughts again. I thought of my loving father and how bad he would feel and was crying. I am confident I will pull through, but in the midst of loneliness that is killing me, atleast I am trying to seek some strangers strange words. Or atleast pour the heart somewhere.... why is it so hard for us to hold on to a good quality of life. Why do we slip into pain in cycles. I need to get back up again, but it requires so much of effort. Let it take effort, but I need to be determined to come back up again. God, that I dont believe in, give the courage. The prayer itself is what god is and I hope i will pray enough to get over with it. It all started when i prayed death to god. But I need to stop such prayer once for all. Some how never again.
I am incredibly capable in some of my talent areas. But historically my emotions have been keeping me from making the fullest out of them. Which inturn causes more emotional pain. <@@>


May Day
29-05-06, 16:30
Hi Ram

Sorry you're feeling so low. Take heart in your own words, that you will get better. YOU WILL. Regular routine can make you feel anxious as all though it means you know what you're facing, there is also regular pressure on you to do what you normally do. I've also been finding it hard to do what is "expected" of me in my normal daily life. I take each task as it comes rather than trying to face the whole day, as it's easier to cope with small targets than one huge one. You should try to do the same.

The thoughts of your father can give you strength to carry on in the right direction. I'm sure he's proud of you and you have taken a step forward to getting better by seeking help from people here. Have you seen a doctor?

Faith and prayer can play strong part in your recovery if you are a believer. Don't give in but take slow steps forward.

Take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

29-05-06, 17:26
Hi Ram,

Think you have some of the answers there yourself - realise this is only a temporary blip mate and it will pass.

Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-05-06, 11:36
Thanks for the posts. I think actually progress is chaotic for me. There is improvement when I follow a coping up routine, it reaches a peak and then I become complacent, stop for a few days and skips into the negative direction. It then reaches a negative peak and of desperation, I force myself, into positive direction again. It goes on and on in chaotic cycles... I am and every one are chaotic. You will not be wrong, if you have guessed that I did my graduation in chaos theory.



May Day
30-05-06, 18:57
Hi Ram

So glad to hear you're feeling a little better. If you did your degree in chaos theory then you should know what you're talking about lol. If you know that becoming complacent isn;t good for you then try not to allow it to happen. You can beat this and feel better.

Take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun