View Full Version : Feel like i'm having a melt down!

12-11-11, 17:54
Hi everyone! Last year after a bout of intense worrying about my health, i became dizzy/lightheaded which lasted for nearly 3 months. I started to be concerned that i had MS and thought that I had weakness/pain in my right hand/arm. Went to my gp several times only to be told it was anxiety. Went to an ENT for the dizziness and was told there was nothing wrong with my inner ear/balance and it was most likely anxiety. He booked me in for a CAT scan, not because he believed i needed one, but because he thought it might settle me. Anyway, there was no follow up after the CAT scan, nothing found. However, here i am a year and a half later having the same dizziness after going on my honeymoon and now I feel like I have the same feelings of weakness in my right arm. I should also mention that before the dizziness this time round, i had totally convinced myself I had breast cancer, due to breast tenderness and shoulder pain. now i have this, the breast cancer fears have disappeared. can anyone relate? or give me some advice? Driving my new husband (only been married 2 weeks!) insane with this! feel a terrible sense of impending doom!

12-11-11, 19:46
this a classic aniexty hun, i had same symptoms 3 months of dizziness couldnt focous shoulder ace arm ace then stopped, 7mths later i started headpains then aniexty came back light headed dizzyness shoulder and arm ace, try relax but keep busy, u seemed to have been busy with wedding and honeymoon that you have let go but now u need to find something else to disract u hun, thats what ive been doing past two days and weird thing is while im busy its not there come home it starts

12-11-11, 19:56
Thanks for replying charmcc123. I've not had a panic attack in quite a while and was on the brink of one today! convinced myself in the middle of it that i couldn't use my arm! once the panic had subsided, of course, i could! It's totally terrifying what your mind can put you through! I would consider myself quite a bright person and therefore find it hard to believe that my mind could be creating all these symptoms!

12-11-11, 19:59
I had that dizzyness too. I had an mri in the end, not because they were worried, just to shut me up I think. i worried myself into a frazzle. Then when the test results came, I was on to the next thing and the dizzyness disappeared. I hate telling people to stop worrying when I cant do it myself so I wont say that. You are not alone. x

12-11-11, 20:08
Thanks Humly! I know what you mean about telling people to stop worrying: if i were to speak to one of my friends who were experiencing the same things i am and had all the tests (and the history of jumping from one awful illness fear to the next) then i would be telling them to wise up and stop worrying, but it's getting that little voice that goes 'but what if....' to shut up that is the major problem!

12-11-11, 20:36
it took me ages to think and sink in what the doctor said to me its a panic and aniexty but my symptoms are real, i always question my memory to which totally makes me think back constantly what ive done but have to say to myself u never looked back before so why now?? atm i think brain tumor and its horrid but have to keep saying to myself its a headpain that comes and goes and last few secs and if i did im sure i would have more symptoms then that and i cant tell myself this and listen always looking for people to reassure me! hate this condition its aawful isnt it i think any niggle we all have we think the big C word straight away where as others dont !

12-11-11, 22:16
I know what you mean! we totally torture ourselves! It's very hard for people who don't suffer anxiety to understand our way of thinking. I just dream of the day when i'll be back to my old self! wish that for all of us here.