View Full Version : Swab test done? Doctor never told me what it was for?!

12-11-11, 18:09
Okay so on Thursday I went to the doctors to get a bladder problem seen to that I've been having on and off for almost 2 months now and had a suspected UTI as I had "traces" of an infection in a dipstick I had done at Urgent Care.
I've had 4 courses of different antibiotics none of which have helped, or they have but the symptoms have come back.
The doctor did another dipstick and said there was "something" there but she was going to send it to the lab to get it examined further.
She then asked me to do a swab test and when I asked why she said to check for "bugs". I'm going to guess if she was testing for STD's she'd tell me, I'm really scared now that it's an STD I just can't stop thinking how I'd tell my boyfriend if we had one or how I'd re act I'm just panicking.
She gave me some cream in case it was thrush as I did say I've had a tiny bit of itchiness.
Would my doctor have told me if she was checking for STD's? She just said it was "bugs" she was checking for. What does that mean? :(

12-11-11, 19:29
She could have meant bacterial vaginosis which is NOT an std and something any female can develop, it just means that the bad bugs have got an upper hand in your vagina. It is easily treated with antibiotics.

12-11-11, 22:03
Thanks :) I have heard of that, but I don't know. I know that swabs can test for STD's but do ALL of them do? I'm really scared atm.

12-11-11, 22:11
No the usual vaginal swab will be tested for fungal and bacterial infection but nothing else. when I worked at the Drs std swabs were def seperate from normal vaginal swabs and I am sure your Dr would have told you if she was doing std tests. Most std's are also diagnosed by bloods anyway.

12-11-11, 22:22
Oh thank you :) I've been worrying over nothing then lol. I've been reading on google that they check for the lot like STDs. But the doctor only said she was checking for bugs which I'm going to guess means shes checking for things like thrush and such. And I'm also going to guess the doctor would inform me too if she was doing an STD check.