View Full Version : Help there back :-(

12-11-11, 20:04
Hi guys, well been on cit 8 wks now, worked my way up from 10mg and htis last week ive felt loads better but on thursday i had a migraine (not had one for yrs) and the panic attacks started again with it :weep: then on fri while still suffering the aftermaths of my migraine i had to go for my screening appointment with the mental health team and worked myself into such a state about it i had panic attack after panic attack with my head down the loo heaving :weep: obvously appointment wasn't as bad as id expected but draining and emotional dragging up my past which is the cause of my anxiety and panics and there referring me for coucilling, felt fine when i went to bed last night but woke up having a panic attack and again i had panic attack after panic attack, ive felt so low all day cause of it, nauseas, can't eat, shakey, dizzy :weep: really thought id made headway this week and i feel so scared xx

12-11-11, 20:36
First off, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. I understand how you feel and it is horrible.

Is there any way you could get in touch with the doctor who prescribed you the current medication you're on and see if they can also give you something shorter acting (such as Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, etc.) to help with the panic? My doctor just prescirbed me Prozac, but in the meantime, she also gave me Klonopin to help cover the adjustment period. Good luck and deep breaths!

12-11-11, 20:42
First off, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. I understand how you feel and it is horrible.

Is there any way you could get in touch with the doctor who prescribed you the current medication you're on and see if they can also give you something shorter acting (such as Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, etc.) to help with the panic? My doctor just prescirbed me Prozac, but in the meantime, she also gave me Klonopin to help cover the adjustment period. Good luck and deep breaths!
Thanks ive got some diazepam that ive been using the last 2 days......don't like to use it tho and my hubby or mum literally have to force it down me at times!! good luck with the prozac xx

12-11-11, 20:56
Hi Nicola. Its only a blip on your road to recovery. You will find that you have ups and downs on the way but do not get too disheartened if you have a bad day or two. Its normal. Remember the good days you have had lately and you will find they come back. You've had a stressful time worrying about your appointment which probably brought on the migraine. Its onwards and upwards from now on. x

12-11-11, 20:57
Thanks hun xx

13-11-11, 06:35
ok so ive been up since 5:30 and trying so hard not to have a full blown panic attack by distracting myself, i feel very very anxious and on the verge of 1 at any minute :weep:, not got much fight in me left now to overcome this anymore xx

13-11-11, 06:47
ok so ive been up since 5:30 and trying so hard not to have a full blown panic attack by distracting myself, i feel very very anxious and on the verge of 1 at any minute :weep:, not got much fight in me left now to overcome this anymore xx

Stick in there -thinking of you - get the hubbie to wake up and distract you, send him to make you tea.

13-11-11, 07:37
Thanks got him up and had a big panic attack that seemed to go on forever :-( whys this happening again? X x