View Full Version : whats wrong with me

12-11-11, 20:12
I feel so fed up lately, had enough and everything's got on top of me. Im scared, lonely, tired, tearful and i cant do it anymore, had enough of everything me, my life all of it, wish i could go to sleep til its all over. These thoughts, feelings just seem to be taking over and i don't know how to get myself back up again, feel like im slipping away....scared of me, i feel like hurting myself, been trying so hard not to do it but dont know how much longer i can hold it off...

12-11-11, 20:16
hi lj xx

sorry to hear your feeling so low hun but please dont hurt yourself that isnt the answer and you know it wont make you feel any better. Have you spoken to anyone about how you feel or been to see your doctor ?

take care ,, janet xxxx

12-11-11, 20:27
Please dont hurt yourself. Are you on any meds or seeing a doc? You really need to talk about it so is there anyone you can talk to. Even posting on here helps as someone will always answer you. Take care.

12-11-11, 20:30
Hi janet and humy thanks for the messages no im not taking any meds or seen a doctor as i dont like either. im trying hard to distract myself but doesnt seem to be working..

12-11-11, 20:39
Hi. There comes a time when you just have to admit that you need help and go and see a doc. I never wanted to go and was determined to deal with things on my own but I couldnt. There is no shame in taking meds and they can really help. You sound as if you have been struggling for a while so maybe now is the time to do it. At least go and have a chat - you will feel better for having done it.

12-11-11, 20:41
lj please hun go speak to someone as soon as you can , you know you can always chat to us on here and we will help you as much as we can but sometimes you need a wee bit more help than we can give , dont let it get you too far down its hard to get back up again tc xxx

12-11-11, 20:50
hi humly i really cant go to the docs find it so hard. i just need to snap out of this mood im in..

12-11-11, 21:00
I know its hard. Is there anyone you can take with you or if not, do as I did, write it down on a piece of paper and show it to the doc.