View Full Version : So Scared :(((

12-11-11, 20:20
Hi everyone, Can any one please put my mind at rest. I have suffered with health anxiety for the last 3 years, due to he fact that I cared for my mum at home while she passed away from lung cancer ! Anyway not long after I had my first panick attack, then periods of high level of anxiety (Ive had CBT and councilling)My symptoms are very typical, dizziness, muscle pains, etc.However for the last few weksits flared up again(just when I think its under control) I had a really bad headache the other day, one where it actually feels sore, I actaully thought I was coming down with a bad cold(thats what usually happens) Anyway no sign of a cold, but im having feelings of nausea, fatigue, and shivers it really feels like im in the midsts of flu, but without smptoms, runny nose etc !! Im sat here terrifying myself that Ive got something really awfull again, I feel "weird" Could this be another symptom of health anxity, its a vicious circle, I feel terible, I keep thinking is it my mind or am I really ill !! Im so scared !!!! My partner doesn t understand. Please help !!!!!!! xxxxxxxx

12-11-11, 20:23
Hi, its all anxiety! ive had an awful day 2 with nausea, shakes, shivers, teeth chattering, fatigue and th list goes on!!! its horrible how it effects us xx :hugs:

12-11-11, 20:41
Thankyou for your reply, nicola, Im sorry youre feeling awfull as well, Its a horrible thing to have to live with is nt it ? Just whenya think ya getting on top of it, it rears its ugly head and says "Im here hahah" ! Omg I dont wanna have to go through years and years of "this" I cant !! I feel so fed up, tired, and have feelings of hoplessness. I just want to be the person I was, it feels like that was someone else !! Now these new symptoms are developing within my body and have taken over, my mind and body, I dont feel strong enough to deal with them !! Any ideas, I still need to funtion as a mother, partner and within my job !! xx

12-11-11, 20:44
I know exactly how u feel and its truely horrible, i sometimes feel such a faliure as a wife and mum :weep: r u taking any meds to help u? xx

12-11-11, 21:21
Occassionally, my doctor gave me 5mg of Ammitriptilyn to take at night to calm my muscles, but I very rarely take them as I dont have trouble getting to sleep or sleep ! I see a lot of people on here do take meds, but I really did nt want to go down that rd, however id there was a tablet I could take in a morning to guarrentee no syptoms through the day, then I would probably take them !! Im running out of ideas !! :( xx

12-11-11, 22:11
prob with all AD's is they take weeks/months to work, my mental health team told me they take 2-3 wks to get in ur system then another 4+ wks to stabilise, its a long time and no quick fix!!! im in wk 8 of citalopram and its been a long journey and im still not there yet :lac:xx