View Full Version : new member

12-11-11, 21:56
i dont know if i have come to the right part of the site or even the right site come to that! i was looking online for some sort of support/understanding for what i am going through.
i am constanmtly told that i am obsessing, that i am stuck, that all i ever talk about is my 'problem'.
i feel shaky and ill so much, i cry too easily, i dont sleep because i am sick with anxiety and my head screams and buzzes and exacerbates the whole thing
i feel very lonely even tho i have 2 of my children living with me. i manage to work full time in a demanding job. i work with good people but i still feel panic and hurt and anxiety. i think constantly about what my ex is doing or not doing and how he abandoned his family. and before he went i was a happy healthy active mum of four. i hit a brick wall and four years on i feel like a pathetic obsessive misery.
can anyone talk to me?

12-11-11, 21:57
Hi kbeat

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

oh no_1
13-11-11, 08:27
Welcome to NMP and well done you for having kids to look after and keeping a full time job too, I envy you for that. x x x

13-11-11, 08:45
welcome to nmp.
you will find people understand here and you will make many friends.
reading your post was like reading one from me a few years back.
i have four kids and its not easy bringing them up alone so you are doing brilliantly.
you are definately not pathetic.
it does get easier...