View Full Version : Anxiety and panic attacks

13-11-11, 01:45
In the winter especially I feel extremely anxious and think about death all the time. I have several panic attacks every night and hardly sleep at all. I've recently been prescribed citalopram 20mg so hopefully that will start working soon. I've been on mirtazapine and trazodone in the past. I feel so exhausted and so sick of being like this. I have my whole life ahead of me and I don't want to waste it feeling terrible and obsessing about death.

Has anyone come through something like this and started feeling better?

13-11-11, 13:06
Hi i have just joined here today.I'm sorry you feel so bad and you sound young.I actually had this as a child as i hated school and being apart from my mum.I never told anyone and some how got through infant and junior then when i started comprehensive school i suddenly made lots of friends and was really happy.Anyway years went by and sometimes i got a bit depressed but worked through it.in dec 2005 my dad died of cancer and that was a bit bad but 5 months later my sister suddenly died (46) and i suffered panic attacks but still i just thought it was depression. I have been taking prozac for several years for pmt about 2 months ago i stopped them myself and now for the last ten days i have been awful. Like you i think i don't want to spend my life like this its so horrible,but i guess that by joining here we know we are not alone and i know that it will not last. we do feel better.Just remember it came to visit not too stay. Take care. Tamlara.

03-12-11, 22:16
I still feel like this. I'm trying my best to help myself get better but I feel so anxious and depressed.

04-12-11, 05:19
People do come through this. If you have been checked by your Doctor and told it is anxiety then it is the fear of it that keeps it recurring. Remember you dont have to get better and wont get better in a day. There will be ups and downs. It cant hurt you, it is actually your body trying to help you with the fight or flight responce but it is so sensitized it is making a mistake and firing off at times that dont make sence to you.

07-12-11, 15:50
Hello there, veryanxious.

I know that it might feel that you'll never get through this but it is possible. I'm living proof of that. At one point I was virtually housebound but now I'm all better. Unfortunately there's no magic wand solution. It takes effort and the right help but it is do-able. I promise.

If you want to know my way of looking at it? What's the point of worrying about death? Is there anything I can do about it? Nope. As my old dad used to say...."worrying about something you can't control is like riding a rocking horse at a gallop. It takes a lot of effort but it ultimately gets you nowhere."

What will be will be.

07-12-11, 16:24
I am proof that you get through it - i Have had 3 big winter panic episodes over the past 3 winters. i am on Citalopram too but they do take a while to kick in.
i get agarophobic when in panic mode but this year I have made the effort to not let it take hold and it seems to be working.
Buy the book on here by Claire Weekes - Self Help for Your Nerves - it is excellent

07-12-11, 16:53
Have you been tested for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? A family friend has it and it sounds like it could be the root of your problems.
