View Full Version : Hi From Scotland

13-11-11, 10:43
Hullo, I'm Thistle. I'm fifty years old and live in one of the most remote areas of the country. My local GP is totally unsympathetic towards any emotional related illnesses so I can't rely on her for help. I recently saw a locum who prescribed Propanolol 40mg for my racing heart and told me to see my own GP for follow up but trust me, I know this will be useless.
I get panic attacks, have continuous anxiety and sleep problems and basically live in a constantly low grade, sick and terrified mode and don't know how to get out of it. I also have depression.
I have an appointment at a hospital tomorrow to have three broken molars removed and have been taking Quiet Life tablets in an effort to get me through the day when it comes but am finding they sometimes make me dizzy and restless instead of calming me down. :(
Because of taking the Quiet Life I haven't taken the Propanolol.
I just feel in such a hopeless, terrible mess and as if I can't cope any longer. Having a decent doctor would help but when I asked to transfer to another surgery I was told no, as I live too far away and they are not allowed to take on patients at this distance because of lack of emergency cover. :weep:
The only answers I ever get from my GP when I broach the subject with her are "It's your age" and nothing helpful.

13-11-11, 10:45
Hi Thistle

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

13-11-11, 12:01
:welcome: Thistle to nmp, i'm so sorry you are having a diffucult time, but you must insist your gp listens to you, if she will not ask to be reffered to someone who will help you, she should be fully aware and sympathetic to your problems, but i know not all gp's are, but please insist on help, i too am scottish, so it is nice to speak to a fellow scot lol. good luck at the hospital, you are not alone, you just need the right help :hugs:

miss polly
13-11-11, 13:21
Hello Thistle and welcome to NMP. It's a very reassuring place to visit and you'll meet lots of lovely people who understand how you feel.
I'm Scottish and 50 too and have health anxiety which means I also live in a low grade (often rising to extremely high grade!) panic state most of the time. I've been anxious since my 20's but this 50's age is something else!!! It's total pants isn't it!!!
Please go back to your doc and insist that she addresses your problems as pinkdove says. She's obliged to help ~ that's what she gets paid oodles of cash for after all!
I've started taking bioidentical progesterone cream, lost lots of weight, I'm exercising and am following a healthy diet and I take vitamins and supplements. I'm doing everything I can to help myself feel better as I knew I couldn't go on the way I was without going completely crazy. It's given me back a feeling of being in control of my life to a certain extent, although the health anxiety is always there.
I'm also on propranolol and may start antidepressants as a last resort if I don't perk up soon!
Don't despair Thistle things will get better! xx

Vanilla Sky
13-11-11, 19:33
Hi Thistle and welcome to NMP , you will get support here ,

Paige x

13-11-11, 20:15
i would have thought your doc has a duty to care so they should listen and give you thr right treatment dont let them fob you off say to will report them to the medical council b ecause they are not doing there job right gpood luck at the hospital hope your doctor will help take care

13-11-11, 21:09
Welcome to NMP

This is a great place to share any problems as everyone will listen and take in what you have to say. We are all here remember as we are all in the same boat.

Take care buddy.

14-11-11, 05:08
Hi Guys, thanks so much for the welcomes. :)
It's a difficult situation with my doc. She literally is the only one around for miles (and doesn't shrink from saying so) and I know that taking things further gets nowhere, because when I moved here three years ago it was because we were hounded out of our last home because of my Transgender daughter. When we moved, this GP refused to treat her because as she said "I'm not a gender expert" and immediately stopped the meds my daughter was on. Long story short, I took it all the way to the Medical Ombusdman but my complaint wasn't upheld as they said she had the right to say who she will or will not treat. Luckily my daughter is now under the care of a consultant but only at a hospital over a hundred twenty miles away. :huh:
I have no choice but to use this doctor but as you can imagine, especially after the complaint (and I kept it all VERY civil, truly!) things are strained. She really, truly, does not care about my anxiety, stress or depression. I asked for some Diazepam at one point to help me sleep as I have chronic insomnia, she just said no and left it at that. When I ask what I'm supposed to do, she just shrugs and if I hear "It's just your age" one more time.... :weep:
I have asked for a second opinion but was refused as she said there was no other doctor around here for miles, and she's right. Due to finances and anxiety, we have no transport and public transport here is non existent.
So, I feel trapped in this situation with no way out.
This morning I have to go to the hospital (it's Raigmore, over a hundred miles away from us) to have three molars out under local anaesthetic. I'm terrified but trying to put a brave face on it. Inside though, I am a wreck.
My world has narrowed down to just surviving this day, getting through it, and nothing beyond that because I'm so tightly wound I can't think straight. Dental phobic, have been ever since I had a butcher of a dentist. Logic tells me this will go ok, dentists are nicer now, but my emotions tell me all sorts of horror stories and my nerves are in shreds. Guess which is winning?
Anyway, sorry for moaning, just wanted to explain the situation. I really am on my own in this, wishing we had a decent doctor here. Incidentally, I'm not the only one who finds her hard to deal with...older people especially are scared of her and some will get quite seriously ill and wait for an ambulance rather than go to see her. It's a bad situation.

15-11-11, 22:05
Welcome along from a fellow Scot

Im sure youll find some good advice on here
