View Full Version : tamlara

13-11-11, 12:23
Hi i'm new here. Just spent a week with real bad panic attacks and found this site.I am 49 and live with my 81 year old mother.i have a son and three wonderful grandchildren who i see daily.i have suffered from bouts of depression since i started school at 5 years of age,but no one knew. i just thought i did not want to be away from my mum. i got better and every time there was a bad patch in my life i would feel it,but do nothing and eventually it went.i have now been diagnosed with rheumatoid artheritis.the first tablets i was allergic to and then they put me on Hydroxychloriquine and i started getting panic attacks and being up for hours in the night so depressed i did not know what to do or where to turn.i came off the tablets after 4 weeks and now a few weeks later i am still suffering.the panic attacks since finding this site have actually got a lot better.all down to the breathing excercise and reading other peoples problems,which showed me i had been getting similar things happen to me.However i can't look back at any thing from my past good or bad without feeling total depression and panicy feelings,but these memories keep coming in to my head.i also pace a lot as i can't sit still when im like it,and i need to pass water every few mins.How do i deal with the depression? please.

13-11-11, 12:25
Hi tamlara

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-11-11, 12:48
Thank you there is so much on here i am trying to look around.Glad to have found this site.

Vanilla Sky
13-11-11, 19:35
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x