View Full Version : scared please help

13-11-11, 14:03
Hi, I know i'm not the only one to feel like this and yes that does help kind of, but today I feel so low I can't stop crying ! I'm really scared that I won't get better, I take sertraline and have just upped the dose from 50 to 100 mg i've been taking them for 8 wks now and still feel very anx and more down now than I did before, I just feel so scared that I won't get better and what if this leads to other things like loosing the plot !! I always seem to feel worse on a sunday !!! I'm so scared of this feeling and feel I can't keep on talking to my boyfriend about how I feel cause i'm just going on and on and he might have enough !! please help ! :weep:

13-11-11, 15:26
Hi Ella. sorry you are feeling so down at the moment, but it could just be that you've increased your meds, and if so that will pass, i'm sure your boyfriend will understand and that he would rather you spoke to him than keep things bottled up, if you feel you are worse on a sunday, why not make arrangements with him to do something that day, even a walk just to take your mind off things, you are not alone feeling the way you so, but it is best to talk things through if you can. take care x

13-11-11, 15:36
Thankyou pinkdove for your reply, I know you're right he would rather I spoke to him, I will. It makes me feel a little better to think that i'm not alone with this, thanks

13-11-11, 16:26
That's great ella, good luck x

13-11-11, 19:20
Hi ella i hope you get better i agree with pink dove.talk to your oyfriend and even if it is just a little walk or just something to get your mind of it.i watch stupid videos on you tube if i start getting panicky just to take my mind of it.your meds could be affecting u now they have been uped.talking is a great help and there are loads of people on here to chat to.you will be fine i know on days when you just want to curl up they will get better and with time so will you xx.