View Full Version : Hello!!

13-11-11, 15:37
Hello everyone,

I'm Conor, 29 and just on here for a bit of support really.

Have been having a few physical symptoms recently and I'm not sure if they are being caused by my anxiety or not. I've been through a round of tests and all have come back negative, so i'm quite frustrated at the moment.

I do have a history of anxiety so maybe its a good idea if I start back when that all kicked off. At the start of 2010, I started experiencing a lot of nausea, burning in my stomach and dizziness. After a month of this, I started to get palpitations which resulted in lots of medical tests, all of which came back clear. This went on for a few weeks - and then something snapped. I started to experience bad panic attacks and severe insomnia. I started crying all the time and just couldn't function at all. That's when my doc put me on 20mg citalopram and slowly and surely things got better.

Fastforward 18 months, and here I am I'm experiencing different physical symptoms. I started to feel a tightness in my jaw and throat about a month back - that went after a few weeks. But now i"m experiencing this constant urge to urinate...again have had a range of tests and theyve all come back negative. But this urge is really getting to me, its stopping me from socialising and worst of all i'm finding it very hard to sleep with it - its not that it wakes me up its more that I can't get to sleep in the first place with it. It seems to get worse when I'm not busy and focussing on it. I'm booked into to see another specialist next week, but could anyone advise if they think this might be caused by anxiety?

I'm still on the citalopram but reduced it to 10mg a day a few months back as I really felt things were better.

Just can't help worrying that I"m going to be left with this awful bladder feeling for the rest of my life!

Thanks for reading guys and sorry for the length of it


13-11-11, 15:42
Hi IrishLondon

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
13-11-11, 19:35
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x

14-11-11, 22:37
Hi i have just joined this site and suffering with panic attacks and awful feelings of depression. when it first began i used to wake in the night and go for a wee then go back to bed and fall asleep.it was very frightening.for the last two weeks i have been getting them badly and all i do is run to the loo,as soon as i have been i want to go again and like you i get in to bed then want to get up to go again,when in fact its only a drip.(sorry).i came on here the other day and whilst going through the pages i found to my relief that this is one of the symptoms of panic attacks.i was hugely grateful to hear that and i have calmed myself down by breathing techniques,and it is not happening so much.hope this helps.goodluck.