View Full Version : I'm caving in....

13-11-11, 16:06
...I'm going on medication for this anxiety.
I have had anxiety since I was 16. I am now 22, and even tho Anxiety isnt always there,and comes only in the winter months, I have been able to go this far without anything.

But I cannot cope anymore. I have lost appetite, My heart is racing from the moment I wake, I feel sick, I feel weak, I feel tired, I am light headed. I dont enjoy anything anymore.

I have a huge phobia of medications which explains why I have never been on a anxiety drug before.
I dont like the fact there's always going to be side affects, and I feel like it will do me more harm then good...

I need your help desperately, I am going to talk to my doctor and ask what is the best medication but i would like to know your own stories.
I feel if i go on a medication for this i WILL have a dangerous side effect, thats how im thinking and to be fair thats giving me anxiety its self.
I know the first few weeks after taking a pill will be the worst, untill it works but how will i cope? I will be sat here thinking of all the bad side effects, then I will think im addicted to this new drug. eeep :(

Fly away Katie
13-11-11, 19:19
I really feel and sympathise what you're saying here.
I'm exactly the same. Although mine started at 13 and i'm now 19.
I too, suffer every single day and don't enjoy anything anymore, but am just TOO scared to go on any kind of medication because of FEAR of the side effects, and how it will effect my brain scares me as well.
I wish there was some other way.
GOOD ON YOU for thinking of going on the meds tho.
GOOD LUCK! Let me know how you get on :) xxx

13-11-11, 19:34
Dont be scared of medication. I have taken anti d's a few times and I didnt even notice any side effects. I have just started some again and so far so good. See what your doc says. Good luck.

13-11-11, 21:15
Don't think of it as caving in... it's a way of coping and maybe getting back to normal life. There is nothing wrong with that. The side effects can be a little unpleasant but they subside quickly and then you can enjoy the benefits of feeling better. Also the more modern anti d's are thought to be much "cleaner" drugs and the side effects are not as bad as with some of the more traditional ones. Ask your GP which is best for you. x