View Full Version : hot, burning acid feeling

13-11-11, 18:04

Just wondering if anyone has experienced this feeling in their stomach.. i'm on PPI's and take antacids occasionally but doesn't seem to work. I WON'T google it as it makes me panic, but my brain keeps thinking the worst! I've had this for about a week and a half now. makes me feel miserable! :-(


13-11-11, 18:10
Hey jess....
I have been on meds for the same problem for 4 years now.....you think you have all sorts of ulsers and cancers..... mines is caused by an acid reflux, i was petrafied at the time because my dad nearly died from an ulser when he was the same age as me but his was caused by to much drinking..... They say bad diet and alcohol are the main reasons for it.... I hope you feel better soon....

13-11-11, 21:34
Hi jess,

I have the exact same fears as you think our posts are almost identical. I also take ppi and other meds in-between but the burning gives you lot of anxiety and I have had this constant almost for 3 months, but I have found when I'm busy doing something else it tends to be less bothersome! How u cope with it. I know it's nothing serious but the hard part is convincing yourself.