View Full Version : its not fair, i cant do this

28-05-06, 20:48
Hi all
Just need to get a few things off my chest. I'm so fed up with all this panic & anxiety dont know how much longer i can put up with it for. Right now im spending yet another night in alone crying, was supposed to be going to a wedding reception and was really looking forward to it till i started getting ready & then i started 2 feel really sick & got stomach cramps, my family had to go without me so im missing out on yet another thing. What annoys me is iv had a really good week went to the hospital to see my friend who just had a baby (even the thought of hospitals usually makes me panic!) and i went out with friends last night for the first time in months, i alos got a letter to say i got into uni which made me excited not terrified. I just feel so alone though & im sick of dealing with all this crap, just want to be 'normal' whatever that is.
Sorry to go on
Suzy xx:(

28-05-06, 21:38
I want to feel normal too, you are not alone.

28-05-06, 23:11
hi suzy,
hun dont beat yourself up cos you didnt make it to the wedding do, you were out with your friends and went to a hospital visit things that you said normally set youoff, so seems to me youve done really well..well done on getting into uni, hun whats past is past forget it now and look forward to uni and other good things you will do ..take carexx

jools xx

29-05-06, 00:08
Hi Suzy,

You've had much more than normal going on in your life the last few days, and it seems your mind and body could not take any more when it came to the wedding. You got ready to go and therefore showed willing and so don't criticise yourself for all this.

Exciting news such as news of a baby and a uni place can trigger such things off just as much as fear.

Additionally, a late night session with your friends probably made you feel tired and tiredness doesn't help. And if the alcohol was running freely, there's another one!

These events are probably OK on their own , but when they all came together, it is just too much. You know buses come in threes!

I know all too well what it's like to be alone sobbing and not being able to plan because of this anxiety.

Take comfort in the positives to help you through. Getting a place at uni is fabulous, so congratulations!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

29-05-06, 07:26
Great news about the uni place Suzy - where and what are you studying? I know it is hard at times when others are doing things you feel unable to do (not long ago my whole family went to Belfast to visit my brother and I couldn't manage it) but like Ray says take comfort from the positives - you yourself said what a good week you have been having. Don't let a little blip at the end of the week spoil it for you.
Love Helen

29-05-06, 15:36
Well done for getting into Uni. Try and stay postitive hunni. We are all here to support you and listen to you. If you feel alone at times, come on here and we will all cheer you up hunni.

x x

30-05-06, 07:04
Hi Suzy,

youve had a good week as you said so please dont let missing the wedding get to you too much....you've done so well and coped with all these other things so give yourself a pat on the back! As helen says its just a little blip, and I'm sure if you were tired after such a busy week that wouldnt help.

Keep going .....you're doing great! And congratulations on the uni place!

Take care

Coni X

30-05-06, 20:30
Thankyou all so much for your lovely supportive, encouraging comments they really gave me a boost and stopped me feeling so alone. I guess it is important to concentrate on successes not things that feel like failures. I feel a lot better now iv had time to calm down & put things into perspective.

Hope everyone is well, thanks again
Suzy xx:)