View Full Version : H A was useful today!

13-11-11, 19:44
This has to be the only up side of HA. Due to having had it all my life I am a walking medical encyclopedia!! mixed with working in medical setting at one time and training in first aid and first responding etc in the past.

Today a gentleman at the hotel I was having lunch in suddenly collapsed and his wife and others said oh he has just fainted as it was warm but his wife asked me for help to get him up onto his chair. He was partially round so we got him onto chair but he suddenly went again and was making horrible noises which I know to be bad sign so I felt his pulse and it was incredibly slow about 20bpm so I told staff to get ambulance and tell them it is heart and he is unconscious. It turned out that he had had quadruple bypass a few years ago. I was willing his heart to keep going while we waited for ambulance as I did not want to have to do cpr although I am well trained in it. thankfully after about 15 mins first reponders turned up and I could hand him over and then ambulance about 10 mins later and they took him off still unconscious.

His wife thanked me and I said I did not do anything but she said it was my confidence that I could cope if necessary that had helped her alot. It tuned out that no one else in the dining room had a clue what to do. The manager said they would have phoned ambulance but they would not have taken his pulse so info would have been lacking.

13-11-11, 20:46
Hi Countrygirl,

Well done for being so calm in the situation - i think i would have been like a headless chicken! i think being a voice of calm and reassurance for the man and his wife was priceless.

you've reminded me that I would to renew my first aid certificate!


Jess xxx

13-11-11, 20:53
Well done Countrygirl, i'm proud of you !!! xxx

13-11-11, 20:54
Hii. Well done you. Even though i am trained i would go to pieces. Amazing you stayed so calm. That 15mins muzt have seemed forever. Lets hope they get him through it. Treat youself this evening x :yesyes:

13-11-11, 21:04
thanks everyone - yes that 15 mins seemes like 15 hrs! He is a neighbour of someone I know so I should be able to find out what happened to him sometime tomorrow.

Its really strange I can be totally calm about strangers but not about me and mine!

13-11-11, 21:05
Well done... very impressed by your knowledge and how calm you were. I want someone like you around if anything like that were to happen to me!

13-11-11, 21:59
What worried me a bit was that there was no one else there who would have known what to do if his heart had stopped - 30 people in a room and only me could do cpr! I too would want a me around:)

Mind you I have never been so thankful so see people in yellow jackets!

14-11-11, 10:24
Good news the man was fine it turned out that he had been given some drug for his heart and in some people they cause the heart and blood pressure to fall so low that they go unconscous and he was fine once they had given him a drug to increase the above and sent home same day.

14-11-11, 11:58
Strangely enough, isn't this typical of us?

I personally am the same, in the event of someone or an animal suffering a 'misfortune' I am the first to be on scene and organising things and acting calmly and being in control.

If, on the other hand, it happens to me..............then I'm bloody useless!

Well done.
