View Full Version : Just posting coz I'm bored with X Factor etc!

13-11-11, 20:54
Hey all,

I'm bored of watching all this reality TV so thought I'd switch on the PC and tell you how I'm doing. Well, I'm actually starting to feel a little better I'm pleased to say! I have been on Fluoxetine for a week now having failed to get on with Citalopram. This is definitely helping, but what I am also finding hugely beneficial is the insight this 'Letter' gave me. I'm sure most of you have read it, but just in case here's the link http://nothingworks.weebly.com/index.html

In my opinion this 'letter' offers a unique insight into the issue and does away with a lot of the negativity. I have read it through once and am half way through reading it for a second time so I make sure I absorb all the information before implementing it fully.

One of the things I have been able to do with great success thus far is cut out a lot of the coping rituals (OCD). One example would be the obsessive checking of all the locks and looking in cupboards etc before I went to bed. I have stopped doing this. It was difficult at first, but now I am thinking back and laughing at myself for doing this. There are quite a few other rituals I have noticed, too both at home and at work and have a had success there too. I'm sure I'll spot many more over the next few months and I'll be stopping these too. This is a relatively quick win if you want to start to feel better I have found.

I'm also on the NHS waiting list for some therapy. This could be a wait of up to six months, but who knows, I may not need it by then.

I am posting this having had a quite awful nights sleep last night (awake at 4 am). Been quite down today (not overly anxious) because of it for most of the day, but have snapped out of it now. Might also be the meds.

Anyway, X Factor is coming to an end now so I will shortly be signing off. Just wanted to share my positivity with you guys.

Read the letter if you haven't done so already. The Alcatraz analogy had me in floods of tears because it just hit home so hard. This, I believe, was the turning point for me.

Speak soon,

Dan :)

13-11-11, 23:40
Hi Dan,

Came across your post as the title drew me in, I too am living in a world of reality TV atm and watched The X Factor earlier, in fact sometimes I feel all I do in the evenings is watch reality tv!

Big Brother has taken up the past few weeks along with X factor and now I expect I'm a Celebrity... will be the next thing lol.

It's weird as it helps me to escape my reality in alot of ways, although during the day I'm very busy and have an 8 year old son to look after, its just in the evenings its good to focus on other people's lives.

Anyway your post seemed quite positive so its good things are improving for you. I hadn't read The Letter but followed the link and just skim read it and it will take some time to read through that properly but its looks so helpful and I will definitely read it properly over the next few days.

Keep strong and dont give up, all of us on here are struggling in many different ways and the support we offer each other is what can get us through another day :)

Take care

14-11-11, 08:49
Hi Dan,

Came across your post as the title drew me in, I too am living in a world of reality TV atm and watched The X Factor earlier, in fact sometimes I feel all I do in the evenings is watch reality tv!

Big Brother has taken up the past few weeks along with X factor and now I expect I'm a Celebrity... will be the next thing lol.

It's weird as it helps me to escape my reality in alot of ways, although during the day I'm very busy and have an 8 year old son to look after, its just in the evenings its good to focus on other people's lives.

Anyway your post seemed quite positive so its good things are improving for you. I hadn't read The Letter but followed the link and just skim read it and it will take some time to read through that properly but its looks so helpful and I will definitely read it properly over the next few days.

Keep strong and dont give up, all of us on here are struggling in many different ways and the support we offer each other is what can get us through another day :)

Take care

Hi Nicola,

I strongly recommend 'the letter'. A very insighful, and I must say enjoyable read.

It really helps you simplify the whole thing and takes the confusion away.