View Full Version : Numb hands/tight ankles

13-11-11, 20:59

I wake up almost every morning with numb hands, Dr says it's the anxiety, Another Dr says it's a trapped nerve, Hospital Dr says it's neither..

It's maybe due to the way I sleep but I never experienced this problem before my GAD, so why now?

Also, recently I've noticed the sensation of wearing tight socks around my lower leg/above ankle..it's really uncomfortable and a nuisance.. feels like rings of vibration in these areas when I walk.. Im guessing it's due to being tense quite a lot but still it's not a pleasant sensation.

Does anybody else experience any of these symptoms?

J xx

14-11-11, 10:01
Numb hands for sure. I had them regually, occationally now I get numb little fingers in the night, but deffinatly in the past I've had completly numb hands and feet.

14-11-11, 11:39
Yes, I've had both. I get numb hands (and occasionally feet) when I sleep. Now I'm not anxious about it any more it's not a problem. If it wakes me up I just adjust my position and it usually sorts it. If it's really bad, I rub the offending area until the feeling comes back.

I also had the tightness around my legs, and the same feeling around my arms, for a couple of months. It really worried me, especially because it was there all the time, day and night. I've never heard of anyone else describing this symptom before! I think it is due to being tense. I only had it when I was anxious. As soon as the anxiety went, I stopped noticing it and it went away almost overnight.

14-11-11, 14:54
Thanks for your replies,

Yes, I'll learn to get on with the numb hands thing, can be a nuisance but you're right, once I've changed position or shook my hand ridiculously it usually goes away!

I had asked a few about the tight ankles, including the Dr.. just today! He again said nothing to worry about..although no one had experienced similar.. I was imagining DVT and allsorts.. :/

I guess if I felt like I was wearing a tight hat, that symptom would come on too...!

J x

14-11-11, 15:38
I guess if I felt like I was wearing a tight hat, that symptom would come on too...!

Me too :roflmao:

14-11-11, 15:45
P.S.. here's a funny one.. when my anxiety calmed down for all of half a day last week... my veruca alarmbells rang... I convinced myself my foot would need amputated if I left it to just sit there..!! Gotta laugh at times!

I read an interesting article on how generalised anxiety is similar to the kids game where you press the crocodiles teeth down and another one pops up...like worry, you get rid of one and another pops up!

aaah we'd be boring without it.. :/!


14-11-11, 16:33
Lol :). Got to keep an eye on those verucas :winks:.

I have a funny one too. When I was in the midst of bad anxiety, I was sitting at my desk (at home), trying to do some work. I had loudish music on, to drown out the tinnitus that I was also stressing about. I suddenly went deaf - the music was all muffled and I couldn't hear properly. I started to panic... Then I turned round, and my cat was sitting in front of the speaker. When the cat moved, the deafness magically disappeared :D