View Full Version : Giving up

28-05-06, 21:28
Do you ever feel like giving up? I have tried so hard to make my panic and worry go away. I have given up drinking, smoking, caffeine, and all refined food. I exercise, I read self help books. I go to a physiologist. I seem to be just getting worse. New sypomtoms coming up, new worries about my health (some are legit, some I make up). My blood pressure just keeps getting lower, I always have a fever. I am getting depressed. My husband is taking all the pain from this. He is so good to me and all I do is make his life miserable. I just do not know what else to do. I really do not know if I can live another day like this. I have never felt so low in my life. What is sad is I have a good job, husband, some extra money.. and I can't just be happy. There are so many people out there that are worse off then me.

Thanks for reading.

28-05-06, 21:41
believe me you are not alone in feeling like this. due to the panic attacks, i have lost my job, tried suicide (doesn`t work as i am talking to you) landed in hospital, financial problems, had to move back into my parent`s house (i am 31), etc, etc.
if you are feeling like this, go talk to your gp and ask for help. he/she should refer you to people who can help you and support you. hope this helps you.


28-05-06, 21:43
I'm sorry to hear about all the problems you have had. I am holding on to my job and my life, but it is hard.

28-05-06, 23:14
im sure you hubby woudlnt say you make his life miserable..i wonder how my partner puts up with me! your still able to work and that really good. i agree you should go have achat with your gp..thinking of you xx

jools xx

28-05-06, 23:34
hi there! hang in there chick you sound like your really going thru the crappers at the moment and I know how that feels too. Thinking that there are other's worse off than yourself will only make you feel worse, I know because I also do that aswell!!! sometimes the anxiety gets so bad I cant even type! you have to stay strong, even when your feeling you cant take anymore you have to find somthing to strive for. I'm having a crap day today also, ie. had to walk out of diy shop as I thought I was losing control (again)! I feel alone in all this at the moment as i'm not getting any therapy or support from any doctors whatsoever, it seems no-one really gives a s**t! but your not alone I promise even tho it feels that way tc xx:(


29-05-06, 00:47
Thank you so much. I went to the park and took my dog for a walk and that helped some. I just really need support I guess, because it is hard when you feel you are alone.

29-05-06, 15:42
Aw hunni. Am so sorry you feel like this. Hugs for you. (((((((((HUG)))))))) I feel like giving up a lot of the time, I feel like it now. We just have to try and stay positive, which I know is very hard. Keep chatting to your friends about how you feel because it will make you feel better, so keep coming on here and chat to us all. You are not alone, we are all here to support you. Why don't you pop in the chat room sometime. Keep smiling.

x x

29-05-06, 19:43
Oh you poor thing, you know we all feel so bad sometimes, that coming on here is a real help, just putting it down in words helps, I bet your husband is the best of bricks any one could want, I am sure that he loves you "warts an all" just affirm to him that you love him too, may be you are just what he needs at this time, someone to care for, I once felt the same as you, until it was explained to me by my late partner- he told me that he needed to look after me the way he was, not in the way I thought he ought to - I had told him so many times that perhaps he should go as I was making his life miserable, I just wish he was around now. Please do not get depressed, just look for one good thing and be pleased you had the vision to see it[^] Com'on honey, we are all there / here to support you.

there's a place that I dream of when I sleep, so peaceful, so quite, I call it mother earth.