View Full Version : Endoscopy - tomorrow

13-11-11, 21:36
Having endoscopy tomorrow - really scared !!
have bp phobia, and in the past when ive explained this , i have had it done without having my bp taken !!!
Hope they will do it again.
Going to go to gp about getting a home moniter for bp , need to get over this.
Not sure if i will manage to go for endoscopy tomorrow, but if i put it off , i will have to go eventually !!

13-11-11, 21:46
I can so relate to this, most of us have a phobia of something, mine is the dentist, i have to go tomorrow too, i have cancelled it that many times in the past it has made the whole ordeal worse.

Do try not to cancel it..........it just prolongs it all.

I have a home monitor for my bp and i have to say it got rid of my fears of it being taken by a gp, i had "white coat syndrome"

Will be thinking of you tomorrow and i hope you manage to get it done.

Best wishes

di xx

13-11-11, 23:44
PM sent. honestly dont cancel. a) youll have to wait another 3-6 months for a new appointment and b) during that time youll probably do nothing else but worry about the "upcoming" test and regreting you didnt go and get it over and done with.
if you miss the PM the main thing, the key with an endoscopy is close your eyes at the beginning of the test and just concentrate on taking good deep breaths whilst they insert the scope and carry on whilst the scope is looking inside. block out everything else and concentrate on that breathing. its a great technique for overcoming the natural gag reflex. id say go for a throat spray too. i had sedation and it was rather unpleasant and meant i couldnt go home straight after the test.
ket us know how it went.

14-11-11, 13:48
Managed to have endoscopy with sedation and throat spray - it was all normal. Also managed to have bp taken and that was normal ! Im soo relieved. Now feel that i can enjoy xmas and eat loads x

14-11-11, 20:32
Oh well done you :yahoo:

Glad you did it and so happy all came back normal.

you must feel very proud of yourself :hugs:

cheesy pete
14-11-11, 21:13
Well done. I had an endoscopy like year and i was very nervous at the time so you've done brilliantly to get in done.

15-11-11, 08:27
I have a home monitor for my bp

15-11-11, 17:51
The best thing I did was get my own personal bp monitor. I often measure sky high in hospital and doctors situations and have been damaged by bp meds I never needed :weep:. I just bought mine from ebay, the Omron ones are fab and inexpensive and very easy to use, highly recommended by the medical profession and under £20 :)
BTW I have survived 3 endoscopies and one colonoscopy!!!:ohmy:

16-11-11, 16:56
whats a Bp?

16-11-11, 18:42
Blood pressure?