View Full Version : getting back test results tomorrow...

13-11-11, 23:45
This is more of a rant than a question hope no one minds :)
Well I'm getting some test results back tomorrow and I'm petrified :weep:
I've only ever had to wait for one test result in my life and that was a blood test and I wasn't even worried about that!
But on Thursday I went to the doctors to get a bladder problem seen to that I've had on and off for 2 months now.
The doctor did a dipstick of my urine and said she'd send it off to the lab for a urine culture which I was okay with as its only going to come back either negative or positive for a UTI lol.
But then she asked me to do a vaginal swab which I was unsure about in the first place, I asked her what it was for and she said to check for "bugs". She did think I've got a bit of thrush but I'm not sure if thats all she's testing for.
I'm just terrified I'm going to get my results tomorrow and she's going to say I've got chlyamidia or something! I know it can be easily be treated but it's something I don't really want to have because then that means me telling the boyfriend and I'm scared he'll leave me if I have it, well if we have it lol, seeing as I've only ever slept/done "stuff" with him.
I can't sleep because of it and I have to get up early tomorrow, just want to know my test results!
Just feel so awful and can't stop worrying and I just feel so lonely :weep: I don't know what to think, I'm just scared. I just wish the doctor had told me what she was testing for exactly rather than just tell me it was "bugs" :mad:

14-11-11, 21:46
I hope it all went well!

14-11-11, 23:13
thank you :-) everything was fine just come back with an infection but results came back with Borderline so have to do urine culture again I think.