View Full Version : tense *all* the time

14-11-11, 00:32
I feel tense all the time, and have done for about 6/7 years now. When I wake up it's like I get 2 seconds of feeling at ease, then it kicks in, and for the entire day there's this background hum of tension. I have no idea what kicks the feeling off, and it's not even like I'm in a certain situation that makes me feel threatened :confused:

I know that some people with anxiety have panic attacks. They sound terrifying, so I know I should be thankful to have a relatively mild anxiety condition. But stories of people who dealt with a similar problem would be appreciated.

16-11-11, 17:42
Hi & welcome to NMP. I too feel tense all day, every day. It's awful isn't it! I had panic attacks badly about 3 yrs ago and went on meds and CBT to help me. It gave me the tools to deal with panic and I only have one very occaisionally now. But this constant state of anxiety is really getting to me. :mad:
Have you been to see your GP about how you are feeling? If you find your life being restricted because of it then it's time to get help....the smallest things can feel threatening with anxiety.
This site will help you loads, some really good understanding people out there :hugs:
Wish you well.....

17-11-11, 08:22
hi there, i too suffer with this feeling of background anxiety thats there always to the point i cant relax i have to be doing things cause once i relax i focus on the feelings and it escalates.....its an awful daily slog and i just wish i could have one day where im chilled....i take meds which i think keeps the heightened state of anxiety down but as you say its the constant stage of on edginess that does me too...pppfffttt i wish i could give ya some tips to help ya but im in the same boat hun sorry...if ya do manage to find somethin that helps you tho pls share cause me keepin busy always is freekin exhausting an i just wanna relaxxxxxxx!!!!! take care peace to you all x

18-11-11, 00:18
hi there, i too suffer with this feeling of background anxiety thats there always to the point i cant relax i have to be doing things cause once i relax i focus on the feelings and it escalates.....

I've had that problem with relaxing, but found it difficult to articulate for some reason, that's a good way of putting it. That part of it really sucks. When I try to relax I feel even more self conscious and tense!

I haven't found any solutions. Some of the usual strategies sort of help. I find exercise helps, so I go to the gym 4 times a week or more. I find this can make my anxiety drop pretty low, even though the background tension is still there.

---------- Post added at 00:18 ---------- Previous post was at 00:16 ----------

Kitkat, I am seeking help now. I saw a CBT practitioner for the first time today, although I've not told my GP about my anxiety problems. I'm hoping that my therapist will sooner or later address whether medication would benefit me. If she thinks it will then I will go.

and thanks for the welcome. :hugs: